How to quickly get an appointment with a doctor in the USA - ForumDaily
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How to quickly get an appointment with a doctor in the USA

Long waits for an appointment with a doctor are a trend in the modern world that is getting worse every day. Why it’s impossible to get to the doctor for weeks, and what to do, explains Washington Post.

Photo: IStock

The average wait time for new patients to see a doctor is 15 days, according to a 2022 survey of 26 metropolitan areas by physician recruiting firm Merritt Hawkins. This is the longest period since the company began conducting the survey in 2004. Additionally, 11 percent of adults age 2021 and older waited six days or more for an appointment when they were sick, according to a survey of 22 economically developed countries in 65. Only Canada had a higher rate of long waits.

One of several likely reasons is that the number of doctors leaving their jobs is increasing, and there are not enough new ones to replace them. A survey of more than 600 medical groups released last year by the Medical Group Management Association found that 40 percent reported they had a physician who quit or retired early due to burnout.

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The physician shortage is only projected to grow, especially in primary care. There we could see a shortage of up to 48 thousand doctors by 2034, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges. "It's very concerning for older people," says Terry Fulmer, president of the John A. Hartford Foundation in New York, which works to improve care for older adults. “Many people need primary care to avoid any type of chronic disease.”

But taking certain steps can help you make an appointment or find a new doctor when the time comes.

How to get primary medical care faster

If your condition is poor but not critical, call your doctor first or use the online scheduling tool to see how quickly you can be matched. But this doesn't always work.

Try the following if you can't wait:

Add your name to the waiting list. People often cancel their appointments at the last minute. So sign up for the time slot offered, but ask to be put on the waitlist. If you have flexibility with your dates and times, let the office staff know so they can contact you about an open window.

Be prepared to act quickly. Make sure you understand how the window will be communicated to you. For example, will they call you, text you, or message you on the patient portal? “You usually don’t have much time before they move on to the next patient, especially if it’s a same-day or next-day cancellation,” Fulmer says.

Find another doctor. You can ask if the other doctor has free time. If the office has a nurse practitioner or physician assistant, you can schedule an appointment with one of them fairly quickly. State laws vary, but in general, nurse practitioners and physician assistants can do many of the same things that doctors can do, including diagnosing and treating various conditions and writing prescriptions.

“Their education often emphasizes patient-centered care, which means they can listen more,” says Peter Hollmann, a geriatrician and chief medical officer at Brown Medicine in Providence, Rhode Island.

Use your health plan's network. The hospital or health system with which your provider is affiliated may be able to help you schedule an appointment with another doctor on the same day. Check online using facility name and “same day appointment.”

Get video assistance on demand. If you don't want to leave your home and can't get an appointment with a doctor quickly, ask university hospitals, medical centers, and insurance companies to help you “meet” with another health care provider online. Often these are meetings on the same day. For example, Yale New Haven Health's website has doctors available in the coming hours.

Try a convenient care clinic. You can go to the nearest urgent care clinic that has doctors and nurse practitioners. Another option is a convenient walk-in clinic staffed by nurse practitioners and physician assistants. They are often available in chain pharmacies. Both types of facilities are required to send notes and recommendations to your physician after the visit.

How to find a specialist faster

Can't make an appointment with a new specialist as soon as you want? Reserve the first available seat and ask to be placed on the waitlist. Consider also these strategies:

Build on what you have. "Instead of making an appointment with a busy specialist on your own, seek help from your primary care physician," says R. Sean Morrison, chief of Brookdale's division of geriatrics and palliative medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. He or she can talk to the specialist's office and explain why you should be scheduled immediately.

Ask for a consultation online. In some cases, your healthcare provider may discuss your health problem with a specialist. These consultations between doctors are usually done online and can provide useful information before your visit or eliminate the need for an in-person visit.

Check other places. If the specialist you want to visit has multiple locations, ask if there is availability at one of the other locations.

Call your health care provider. "If you're having trouble getting an appointment with a specialist (or any provider), contact your health plan's Member Services department," says Michael Hochman, an internist in Los Angeles. — Health insurance companies have service level standards. You can see a specialist within 30 days if you need to.” They may be able to help you find another specialist who can see you sooner.

Use your waiting time wisely. Ask your doctor if doing certain tests ahead of time can help speed up the process once you see a specialist. “If you do need to wait a while, it's ideal to do at least part of the exam ahead of time so the specialist will already have all of this information in hand when they see you,” says Morrison.

How to Find the Right New Doctor

If you're looking for a new primary care physician (because the strategies described here haven't worked well enough or your current physician is leaving the profession), three steps may make things easier for you.

Cast a wide net. “Ask your friends, family and neighbors who they go to and if they recommend them,” says Hochman. Also, consult with the professionals you use and anyone you know who works in the health care industry.

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Check Availability. First, find out if the doctor you're interested in is accepting new patients and accepts your insurance. The Department of Health and Human Services recommends finding out about office hours (including nights and weekends), how long it usually takes to make an appointment, whether online appointments are available, and who can see you if your doctor is unavailable. You will also want to know if the practice has nurse practitioners and physician assistants, as well as what hospital system the doctor is affiliated with.

Look for an Age-Focused Philosophy. As time goes on, it is also wise to seek help that is geared toward older people. This does not always mean geriatricians: there are few of them. The truth is, if you're in relatively good health, you might not need a geriatrician, Hochman says.

Better focus on:

  • important (your goals and priorities);
  • safety and feasibility of treatment;
  • thinking (cognition and mood); And
  • mobility (ways to get you moving).

A 2021 review published in Nursing Studies Advances found strong evidence that nursing, including geriatric nursing, improves overall patient care and patient outcomes.

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