How to find and clean a washing machine filter: it is important to do this regularly - ForumDaily
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How to find and clean the washing machine filter: it is important to do this regularly

You're probably familiar with the lint trap on your dryer and ideally empty it after every load of laundry. Your washing machine also has a filter and should be cleaned regularly, reports Lifehacker.

Photo: IStock

Before removing the filter, make sure the washing machine is turned off (all knobs in the off position) and unplugged.

How to find a washing machine filter

The easiest way to find your washing machine filter is to look at the owner's manual. If you no longer have your appliances or you inherited them from previous owners when you bought your home, you can find instructions online.

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Start by finding the manufacturer + model number of your washing machine, which is usually located on a sticker either inside the door or on the back. If this doesn't work, you can try searching for it on specialized sites such as or Manual Owl. The manual not only shows you where the filter is located on your machine, but also tells you how and how often to clean it.

Although every model is different, some types of washing machines usually have filters in the same places:

  • Top-loading machines: at the top edge of the washing machine tub (a screen that can be pulled out) or at the end of the drain hose.
  • Front-loading machines: Typically located at the front of the unit (though sometimes in the rear) and hidden by a hatch.
  • New high efficiency machines: These usually do not have a filter.

How to clean a washing machine filter

Have an empty bucket and rags ready when you remove the filter because it will likely be full of water, wet lint, and who knows what else.

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Once the filter is out, remove anything left in the filter compartment - perhaps shining a flashlight into it for a better view. Next, remove as much debris as possible from the filter and then rinse it thoroughly with clean, warm water. Use an old toothbrush, sponge, rag and/or cotton swabs to clean any still dirty parts of the filter using a solution of mild dish soap and warm water or a solution of half water and half white vinegar. When the dirt is gone, rinse the filter with clean warm water, then dry it with a lint-free cloth.

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To prevent your filter from getting dirty right away, Barbara Costello, better known on social media as “Brunch with Babs,” suggests spraying the inside of the filter compartment with white vinegar and letting it dry before replacing the filter. She also recommends cleaning your washing machine filter four times a year. This may seem like a lot, but keep in mind that it will probably never be as hard as the first time.

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