Michigan court ordered parents to pay their son $ 30 for throwing away his things
A Michigan judge ruled that a married couple must pay their son $ 30 for throwing away his pornography collection. Writes about it The Guardian.
The ruling by U.S. District Judge Paul Maloney came eight months after 43-year-old David Werking won a lawsuit against his parents.
Werking said they had no right to throw away his collection of films, magazines and other items, which he said was worth $ 29 at the time.
In his decision, the judge was guided by the assessment established by the expert. In addition, Werking's parents must pay $ 14 to their son's lawyer.
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Werking lived at his parents' home in Grand Haven, Michigan for 10 months after the divorce, and then moved to Muncie, Indiana. After the move, he learned that his boxes of films and magazines were missing.
Werking's father wrote: "Frankly, David, I did you a great favor by getting rid of all this."
In his decision, Judge Maloney said: “There is no doubt that the discarded property belonged to David. The defendants have repeatedly admitted that they have destroyed his property. "
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Werking's parents said they have the right to act as their son's homeowners.
Maloney replied, "The Defendants do not invoke any statute or case law to support their claim that homeowners can destroy property they do not like."
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