Employees of the US Embassy in Astana voiced the cult Kazakh film in English - ForumDaily
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Employees of the US Embassy in Astana voiced the cult Kazakh film in English

Before Kazakhstan's Independence Day, representatives of the US Embassy expressed a desire to familiarize themselves with classic Kazakh feature films and translate them into English. Told me more Kazinform.

Photo: IStock

Thus, one of the famous characters of Kazakh cinema - Tailak - spoke in English.

“Do you want to enjoy your favorite films in English?” - they ask at the embassy.

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In the English version, Tailak was voiced by Lucas, the girl dancer - Lola, Syrlybay biy - Colin, Ermek Serkebaev - Johnibek, Oral - Chris.

Let us recall that the film “Angel in a Skullcap” directed by Shaken Aimanov was released in 1968.

In the film, Tailak is a tall guy with a large build and a kind heart; he always wears his favorite skullcap. His mother Tana (Amina Umirzakova) affectionately calls her son “an angel in a skullcap.”

The plot revolves around how a mother comes to Almaty in search of a bride for her son. Tailak meets the beautiful Aisha. The mother does not immediately accept her son’s choice, because once Taiyr, Aisha’s father, promised to marry Tanya, and later broke his promise.

The beer saleswoman Altynshash also dreams of marrying Tailak, but he proposes marriage to Aisha, avoiding Altynshash. As for Taiyr, he proposes to Tanya. The result is a hilarious double wedding scene.

Some interesting facts about the film

The film was completed in 7 months, mostly filming took place on soundstages. A temporary luxury home was built for this film. Marat Akhmadiev, People's Artist of Kazakhstan, performed the role of a dancing student, while the dance itself was conceived right on the filming site.

Shaken Aimanov carried out the search for the “angel in a skullcap” quickly. In 1965, at the Kazhymukan wrestling tournament in Almaty, he noticed a wrestler who had specially arrived to participate in these competitions and offered him the main role in his film.

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The film is rich in music, spanning various genres such as folk songs, classical and jazz. “Angel in a Skullcap” is called a Kazakh musical, and most of the musical works were created specifically for this film.

In one of the episodes, Bibigul Tolegenova appears with the song “Ana,” but it is performed by another singer.

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