This story began in 2003. Christine Jones from Seattle, Washington, and her husband adopted an eight-year-old Kazakh boy. The child lived in an orphanage in the village of Poludino, North Kazakhstan region. Ermek (that’s the boy’s name) first ended up in the baby’s home because the mother...
The American film studio WonderHill Studios (WHS) begins its activities in Kazakhstan. She bought a stake in the Kazakh film fund WonderSilk Studios (WSS), TengriNews reports. WHS will begin supporting the production of films and TV series in Kazakhstan by attracting Hollywood and local film industry specialists to the projects. Studio…
Before Kazakhstan's Independence Day, representatives of the US Embassy expressed a desire to familiarize themselves with classic Kazakh feature films and translate them into English. Kazinform told in more detail. Thus, one of the famous characters of Kazakh cinema - Tailak - spoke in English. "Do you want to enjoy...
Kazakhstani Zarina Eva was recognized as the best model of the year in the USA according to the International Influencer Awards, TengriLife reports. According to the girl, she took part in 36 shows during fashion week in Milan, Paris and New York this fall and was nominated...
A native English speaker who came to Kazakhstan to teach told Orda how he was deceived by his employer. He was not paid his salary and his documents were not renewed. The problem of deceived foreigners who flew to Kazakhstan to work and were left without a livelihood is quite common. From time to time...
On July 28 in Almaty (Kazakhstan) the Black Eyed Peas filmed a video for the song Gaurantee from their new album Elevation. Esquire writes about it. The producer of the filming was the famous director Malik Zenger, along with Maria Moon and Tigran Mutafyan. It should be noted that…
The Shymbulak ski resort in Kazakhstan entered the Guinness Book of Records as the resort with the highest night ski slope in the world, AstanaTimes reports. The Shymbulak ski resort in Almaty on March 26 set a Guinness world record. The resort is home to the world's highest…
McDonald's Corporation is going to leave Kazakhstan. Meat supply disruptions, according to knowledgeable people, are caused by a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, as they left the country without replacing Russian raw materials. Bloomberg writes about it. The world's largest fast-food restaurant chain is leaving in just six years...
The US Embassy is going to simplify the issuance of visas for residents of Kazakhstan, in particular, it is planned to cancel the interview procedure for non-immigrant visas, TengriNews reports. US Ambassador to Kazakhstan Daniel Rosenblum spoke about the innovations. In an interview with reporters, Rosenblum explained that the pandemic has increased the volume of other ...
Nursultan Nazarbayev's nephew Kairat Satybaldy was sentenced to six years' imprisonment in a medium security colony, Radio Azattyk reports. Kairat Satybaldy was arrested in March. He was charged under the articles “Causing damage to property by deceit or abuse ...