Six free courses on studying artificial intelligence that will help advance your career - ForumDaily
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Six Free Artificial Intelligence Courses to Help Advance Your Career

Generative artificial intelligence is taking the world by storm. If you want to learn about the new wave or acquire a useful skill, you can take advantage of free courses, reports Indian Express.

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As the world is rapidly being taken over by artificial intelligence, this new wave will only be embraced by those with an ounce of creativity and the ability to adapt. Generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) is a type of AI that can create new content and ideas, including conversations, stories, images, videos and music.

The rapid development of artificial intelligence has aroused the interest of many. Many have yet to fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of AI. There are millions of resources available today on artificial intelligence. This choice makes it difficult for anyone who wants to learn more about them, learn new skills, or simply use some of these interesting tools.

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Experts have selected several free courses offered by the largest companies in the technology field. Not only will they give you an understanding of the concepts, but they can also help you learn a new skill that will likely lead to career advancement.

Introduction to Generative AI

This course from Google is designed to help people understand the concepts of generative artificial intelligence, its uses, and how it differs from traditional machine learning methods. According to Google, this is an "introductory-level microlearning course" that also covers Google tools to help you build your own generative AI applications.

Upon completion of this course, users will receive a badge that can be displayed on their profiles. Course materials include videos and documents.

Harvard's CS50's Introduction to AI with Python

With this introductory of course users can learn how to use machine learning in Python. The course module includes graph search algorithms, reinforcement learning, machine learning, principles of artificial intelligence, how to design intelligent systems, and how to use artificial intelligence in Python programs.

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“Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python in CS50 explores the concepts and algorithms behind modern artificial intelligence, delving into the ideas behind technologies such as game engines, handwriting recognition, and machine translation,” the official website states. The 7-week course is described as a self-paced course and is offered on the edX platform.

Microsoft's What is Generative AI?

This course from Microsoft offers the basics of generative artificial intelligence. Topics include an introduction to generative artificial intelligence, how it works, how to create content, different types of models, ethical implications, and predictions for the future.

The 42-minute course is taught by leading generative artificial intelligence expert Pinar Seyhan Demirdag. Participants will receive a general certificate that they can download as a PDF and add to their LinkedIn profiles under Licenses and Certifications.

Introduction to Responsible AI

Google suggests this course and essentially gives students an understanding of what responsible AI is, its importance, and how Google implements responsible AI into its products.

Once completed, users will receive a badge that they can later display on their profiles. According to Google, the goal of the course is to understand why Google implemented the principles of artificial intelligence, identify the need for responsible artificial intelligence practices within an organization, learn about the decisions made at all stages of the project, and recognize organizations that may be developing artificial intelligence to meet their business requirements. . There are no prerequisites required to take this course and anyone can join.

Generative AI for everyone

This course hosted by expert and artificial intelligence pioneer Dr. Andrew Ng, who explains to those interested how generative artificial intelligence works and its capabilities. The course structure includes an understanding of how generative AI can help with everyday tasks, tips for rapid design, and an introduction to the advanced uses of AI.

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The course was designed for business leaders, professionals and just about everyone. According to the company DeepLearning.AI, which runs the course, the training schedule is designed for three weeks, that is, one to two hours per week.

For the uninitiated, Dr. Andrew Ng is the founder of DeepLearning.AI, founder and CEO of Landing AI, chairman and co-founder of Coursera, and a professor in the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University.

Streamlining your work with Microsoft Bing Chat

The course from Microsoft allows users to discover how Bing Chat can accomplish a wide variety of tasks, while also helping to streamline workflows, generate insights, and synthesize data.

The course is taught by Jess Straiton, technologist and podcaster. During the course, Straton explains various ways to improve productivity using Microsoft Bing Chat.

“By the end of this course, you will be ready to conduct reliable Internet searches, generate ideas, compose text, automate your work, check results, and much more,” the course description reads. Upon completion, participants will receive a shared certificate that they can embed into their LinkedIn profiles.

Like any technology in its infancy, there is considerable excitement and fear. With AI taking over many routine and day-to-day tasks, the fears are not unfounded. However, many experts assure that AI can not only destroy jobs, but also create new profiles and income streams for professionals and hobbyists around the world.

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