A girl from Kazakhstan was recognized as the best model in the USA - ForumDaily
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A girl from Kazakhstan was recognized as the best model in the USA

Kazakhstani Zarina Eva was recognized as the best model of the year in the USA according to the International Influencer Awards, reports TengriLife.

Photo: IStock

According to the girl, she took part in 36 shows during fashion weeks in Milan, Paris and New York this fall and was nominated for an award. Winners are selected through online voting.

The award ceremony took place on December 9 at a gala concert in Miami, USA. The model admits that this is another dream come true, almost on New Year's Eve.

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“My first award in the USA. Inside me there is still the same little girl from Taraz who always dreamed of more. I am convinced once again that big dreams, focus on goals and perseverance work wonders. In this life, we can achieve absolutely everything that we can imagine in our heads. The power of the human brain and subconscious has absolutely no limits,” she says.

“I would like to inspire all the girls, young women, and women of Kazakhstan and show by example that everything is possible. And that you deserve the best. And I wish that all your most cherished dreams come true in the best possible way. Shine, love and decorate this world with your beauty,” said the model.

Zarina Eva is a native of Taraz, who first became famous as a model in Kazakhstan, and later throughout the world. The girl starred in famous Kazakh films and participated in beauty contests, and is now building a career as a model and actress in the USA.

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