American Airlines mistakes 101-year-old woman for a child: the system cannot believe that someone was born so long ago - ForumDaily
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American Airlines mistakes 101-year-old woman for a child: the system can't believe someone was born so long ago

Due to an error in the reservation system, American Airlines is still mistaking a 101-year-old woman named Patricia for a child, reports with the BBC.

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The American Airlines reservation system cannot identify that Patricia was born in 1922 and not in 2022.

Recently, one of the many confusions occurred that Patricia and the flight attendants were able to laugh about.

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“It’s funny: they thought I was a little child, but I was an old lady!” - she said.

The centenarian wishes this glitch to be fixed. He had caused her some problems in the past.

For example, one day the airport staff did not prepare transport for her inside the terminal, because they were waiting for a child who could be carried in their arms.

The latest crash occurred while Patricia was flying with her daughter Chris between Chicago and Marquette, Michigan.

“My daughter booked her ticket online. The computer at the airport decided that the year of my birth was 2022, not 1922,” Patricia noted. “There was a similar situation last year: they were also expecting a child, not me.”

Patricia's seat was booked as an adult ticket.

The airport's computer system appears to be unable to process this date of birth. Instead, she defaulted to 100 years later.

The former nurse flies every year to see her family and escape the cold winters. She says that in both cases, American Airlines employees were kind and helpful despite the confusion.

The long-liver wants this absurdity to be corrected. On a previous flight, Patricia and her daughter waited on the plane after other passengers disembarked because airport staff would not provide her with a wheelchair.

She says that if the system writes her real age, it will benefit Chris.

“I wish they would fix the system because my poor daughter had to carry all our luggage and clothes almost 2 km from one gate to another,” said the centenarian.

Next trip

Patricia traveled alone until she was 97 years old. Since then, she has relied on her family for help.

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“Right now I have vision problems, so I wouldn’t want to do it myself,” she explained.

Patricia says the problems with the system won't stop her from taking a flight next fall, which she's looking forward to.

By then she will be 102 years old. Perhaps then the airline computers will understand her real age.

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