Fire risk: Kia recalls hundreds of thousands of cars and asks to park away from everyone - ForumDaily
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Fire risk: Kia recalls hundreds of thousands of cars and asks to park away from everyone

Kia warns some car owners to park their cars on the street due to the danger of fire. CNN.

Photo: Shutterstock

Kia has recalled nearly 380 Sportage SUVs and Cadenza sedans due to a problem that could have caused them to catch fire.

Until the problem is resolved, Kia and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration are warning owners to park their cars outside and away from homes and other buildings or vehicles to prevent the possible spread of the fire.

The recall applies to select Sportage models from 2017 to 2021 and Cadenza from 2017 to 2019 that are not equipped with Smart Cruise Control.

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Smart cruise control allows the car to use radar to automatically maintain a safe distance from other cars on the highway. The recall may include vehicles with conventional cruise control, Kia said.

According to documents posted on, vehicles participating in this recall may short circuit some electronic circuits under the hood, leading to overheating and possibly fire.

Owners of vehicles involved in the recall will be notified by mail starting April 30, Kia said in a statement.

Owners can also visit the website and enter their 17-digit Vehicle Identification Number or VIN to check if their vehicle is subject to recall. Kia dealers will replace fuses and, in some cases, update the vehicle's software. All this will be done for free.

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Hyundai, which is a major shareholder in Kia, recently recalled 82 electric SUVs. Although this recall was also made due to the risk of fire, the issue was related to the vehicle's batteries.

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