After Christmas shopping: what to buy and how to save more - ForumDaily
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After Christmas shopping: what to buy and how to save more

Although Christmas has already passed, buyers can take advantage of discounts on clothing or home decoration even after the holiday, even back in January. Writes about this Fox Business.

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A survey by the National Retail Federation, in which about 8 respondents, showed that 000% of consumers would shop within a week after Christmas. Almost 68% plan to take advantage of sales and promotions after the holidays, and 50% plan to use gift cards. And more than half of the buyers say that they will return or exchange any unwanted gifts within the first month after receiving them.

Buyers, as well as on Black Friday, need to closely monitor the transactions and during post-Christmas purchases.

“Don't think selling out is a good offer,” said Julie Ramhold, a senior staff member at, an offer comparison website. “Compare prices.”

Buyers should also consider tightening return policies. Some well-known retailers such as Bed, Bath & Beyond, Macy's and Kohl's are shortening their take-back period. Stores that once had unlimited return policies have cut them to one year, then 180 days, and now in some cases to 90 days or less, said Edgar Dvorsky, founder of Consumer World, a Boston-based consumer advocacy site.

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A few tips on what to buy after Christmas:

Buy in advance. The post-Christmas shopping season is a good time to stock up on items such as wrapping paper, cards, and home decor items that you will need next year. For example, the price of festive decor is usually reduced by 50%, but these discounts increase to 80% after December 25th.

Buy seasonal clothing. Last year, about a third of post-Christmas deals were related to clothing and accessories. But stores like Victoria's Secret and Michael Kors also use this period for semi-annual sales. Discounts on sweaters and other winter clothes are approximately 50%, but if you wait until January 1, you can buy some goods, if they remain, with a 70% discount.

As for electronics, it is best to wait until the end of the annual Consumer Electronics Show in early January, where new technical products will be presented. This will help retailers decide which old items are best sold at discounts.

To get the best deals, look for products in stores that differ from their main assortment.

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