Miami Police Chief refused to report illegal immigration to the Immigration Service - ForumDaily
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Miami police chief refused to report illegal immigration service

Miami (Florida) Police Chief Jorge Colina opposed a bill to end the city's sanctuary status. If the bill passes, Florida law enforcement agencies would be required to cooperate with federal immigration officials.

“I would rather not be a police officer if I have to check where a person is coming from before helping him,” Colina said in a Spanish-language interview on March 22, as quoted by Fox News.

The draft law SB 168 intends to ban the policies of cities and states- "shelters" and demand from law enforcement agencies cooperation with the immigration service (ICE). According to the bill, the police must comply with requests to detain people whom the authorities consider illegal immigrants. Now the detention of such a person or the transfer of his ICE is not a requirement for the police.

“I don’t care whether you have documents or not, where you come from or who your parents are. This is not my job. My job is to make sure everyone in this city is safe,” said Jorge Colina.

According to the newspaper Miami Herald, the bill caused protests of groups to protect the rights of immigrants. The act will give the status of informants to employees who report illegal immigrants.

The initiator of the bill, Republican Senator of the state legislature of Florida Joe Grüters said that the federal government “did not search for illegal immigrants who did not commit criminal offenses or misconduct. My advice: if you do not break the law, the bill will not affect you in any way. ”

Florida State Senator Annette Taddo said that the bill implies a "set of political points."

“This bill is about re-electing Donald Trump. That’s it,” Taddo said.

State sanctuary laws have come under fire in recent years, with some calling the policies a threat to public safety. For example, before committing a crime, an illegal immigrant from El Salvador who accused of killing a resident of California, Santa Clara County officials ignored at least nine requests from ICE employees for this man.

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