New bloodshed in Portland: Trump supporters fight Black Lives Matter activists - ForumDaily
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New Bloodshed in Portland: Trump Supporters Fight with Black Lives Matter Activists

On the evening of August 29, in downtown Portland, Oregon, a man was shot and killed in a clash between supporters of US President Donald Trump and activists of the Black Lives Matter movement. Writes about it CNN.

Photo: Shutterstock

Portland Police have not released any information about the victim. The officers reported that the man was wounded in the chest.

At the moment, the police have no suspects, and they ask everyone who witnessed the incident or has a first-hand video to contact her.

Police Chief Chuck Lovell urged people not to jump to conclusions about what led to the shooting.

What happened

The protests went on for more than 90 consecutive nights against racial injustice and police brutality. The protests began with the assassination of George Floyd in May and were reinforced again last weekend by a shot at Jacob Blake in Wisconsin.

Rally in support of Trump in Portland began earlier in neighboring Clackamas, Oregon, where a large group of the president's supporters gathered.

Following the rally, a string of cars, motorcycles and trucks headed for the “Trump 2020 Cruise Rally Route,” which appears to include downtown Portland, according to an image in a Facebook advertisement for the event.

On the subject: US Protests: Violent Clashes Erupt in Portland and Other Cities

Portland police were aware of the rally and were trying to keep the caravan away from downtown, Police Chief Chuck Lovell said at a news conference Sunday, but the group of vehicles was able to "enter the city center."

Police wrote on Twitter that there were "several incidents of violence between demonstrators and counter-demonstrators."

Videos posted by a New York Times reporter show brawls between Trump supporters and protesters.

A man is seen driving in a passing black pickup with a blue Oregon for Trump and the American flag, and fires a paintball gun at protesters on the corner.

And when a green pickup is passing by, you can see someone riding in its back, spraying something on the protesters. Passengers in this green truck crouch down as other protesters throw something at them.


According to New York Times reporter Mike Baker, the dead man wore a hat bearing the symbol of the Patriot Prayer, a far-right group that has faced protesters in the past.

Trump tweeted the man on "Rest in Peace."

What the witness said

Justin Dunlap, who witnessed the shooting and captured some of it on his Facebook livestream, said he "hadn't heard much of the victim."

“I heard a scream and saw a guy spraying bear spray,” Dunlap said.

It is not clear whether the victim is the person who used the spray.

"I've watched the video 100 times in slow motion and on TV, and I still don't know where the footage actually came from," Dunlap said.

On the subject: US Protests: Violent Clashes Erupt in Portland and Other Cities

Dunlap said he documented the riots in Portland shortly after George Floyd's protests.

“I was in the wrong place at the wrong time,” he said. — I'm just a citizen journalist. I just want people to know what's going on here."

What did the officials sayca

President Donald Trump and Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler criticized each other following the incident.

"Ted Wheeler, the stupid radical leftist, do-nothing, mayor of Portland, a Democrat who has seen great death and destruction of his city during his time in office, believes this lawless situation should go on forever," Trump wrote.

Wheeler spoke sharply about Trump at a press conference.

“You are the ones who created hatred and division. The tragedy of last night cannot be repeated,” Wheeler said. “It doesn’t matter who you are or what your politics are, we all need to stop the violence.”

Oregon Gov. Keith Brown also criticized Trump, saying that he "encourages division and incites violence."

“This happened in Kenosha. And now, unfortunately, this is happening in Portland, Oregon. But despite the president's ridicule and tweets, this is a matter of life and death. Whether it's his completely incompetent response to a pandemic that has killed nearly 200 people, or his outright encouragement of violence on our streets: that should be clear to everyone. By now that Donald Trump is president, no one is safe," Brown said. .

As ForumDaily wrote earlier:

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