A man patched up a pothole on the road: he was fined and ordered to return everything as it was - ForumDaily
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The man repaired a pothole on the road: he was fined and ordered to return everything as it was

An Italian pensioner has vowed to fight the "unfairness" of a nearly 900-euro ($975) fine for repairing a pothole. The edition told in more detail The Guardian.

Photo: IStock

Claudio Trenta was so upset by the local council's failure to repair a 30cm pothole at a pedestrian crossing in Barlassina, a small town in Lombardy, that the 72-year-old decided to take action himself - filling it with cold bitumen.

This resulted in a €882 ($955) fine, but also sparked controversy over potholes in Italy's roads.

In a Facebook post, Trenta shared a photo of a letter he received from the police. In it, he is accused of violating traffic rules. He was fined for doing potentially dangerous work in a public place without permission or the right to do so.

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Trent was ordered to restore the hole to its original state.

“If they think I’m an idiot, they’re very mistaken,” he said. “They provoked me and I am now filing a counter-complaint against the council for negligence.”

Trenta, who says he reported the pothole to local authorities several times over the course of three months, has received a wave of support from across Italy. One Facebook commenter wrote: “Today I sent a protest email to Barlassina City Hall. I know the realities of Calabria and Sicily, where the streets have turned into sieves, and if the people themselves do not take action, everything will collapse.”

Another user also expressed his opinion: "The Council should reimburse you for the money spent on a bag of bitumen."

Vittorio Sgarbi, Deputy Minister of Culture, also joined the discussion.

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“Beyond the rules of the road, there is common sense,” he said. “Common sense should have led the local police to thank this gentleman.”

The pothole tragedy generated considerable media interest, and Trent was invited to speak on the Mediaset program Le Iene to shed more light on the situation.

“I’m not used to all this publicity,” he said. “I will fight to the bitter end to have this fine cancelled, because, in my opinion, it is unfair.” Why fine me, and not those who knew about the problem and did not intervene?”

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