Mayors of “cities of refuge” will not deport immigrants according to Trump’s plan
The mayors-democrats of major US cities, who received the names of “cities of refuge” because of the policy of protecting illegal migrants living in their territory, said they would do everything possible to protect illegal immigrants from deportation, despite promises from the elected US President Donald Trump to keep from the city budgets millions of dollars from the taxpayers' funds, if they do not cooperate.
Among them is the head of New York Bill de Blasio, Chicago - Rahm Emanuel, and Seattle - Ed Murray, reports ABC News.
“Seattle has always been a welcoming city. The last thing I want is to turn on our neighbors,” Ed Murray said.
The son of immigrants from Guatemala, the mayor of Providence, Rhode Island, George Alorza said that he would continue the city’s policy of not detaining people who violated the US immigration laws, even at the request of federal agencies. A similar position was expressed by the Mayor of Newark, Ras Barak, who called Trump's position on immigrants “frightening”.
During the election campaign, Trump promised to put an end to the “refuge cities” for migrants, and those who refuse to cooperate, would be deprived of taxpayers' money.
But this is not so simple, since there is no official definition of the term “city of asylum” in the United States.
However, some lawyers insist that residents of such cities can still be deported by federal authorities, even if administrations refuse to cooperate with them.
For example, in San Francisco, illegal immigrants even issue local identification cards, and the police never ask about the immigration status of a person so that he is not afraid to go to the police if he has become a witness or a victim of a crime.
Since there is no law in the United States that binds the police to ask about the immigration status of a person, Trump’s attention is likely to focus on cities and states that refuse to cooperate and comply with requests from the US Immigration and Customs Administration. Without the help of local police, it will be quite difficult to find illegal immigrants if they do not commit any crime other than illegal stay in the States.
According to the Center for Immigration Studies, around 300 of US settlements have the status of “shelters” for migrants to one degree or another.
Experts suggest that US law suggests the possibility of deportation only of those who come to the attention of the police for committing crimes, since law enforcement officers are not obliged to check the immigration status of law-abiding residents of the city.
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