Los Angeles Police will not help Trump in the deportation of immigrants
The Los Angeles Police Chief (LAPD), California, Charlie Beck, said he did not intend to change the position of the department headed by him regarding immigration law, despite statements by the elected US President Donald Trump about the deportation of millions of illegal immigrants.
For decades, Los Angeles police have distanced themselves from the federal immigration policy, the authorities forbid employees to check whether a person is in the country legally or not, reports LA Times.
Such a policy operates in the department since 1979, it is provided for by a special order signed by the then police chief Daryl Gates.
“I'm not going to do anything different. We do not intend to detain anyone solely based on immigration status. We will not engage in deportation. That’s not our job,” Beck said.
Trump's statement on the need for prompt deportation of 2-3 to millions of illegal migrants and the construction of a wall on the border with Mexico was one of the first he did in the status of elected president of the United States.
In Los Angeles County, according to the US Institute for Migration Policy, there are about 1 million illegal migrants, the total number of which in the country is approximately 11 million people.
Earlier Mayor of New York Bill de Blasio did not rule out the possibility of deleting the database of illegal migrantsliving in the city in order to protect them from deportation and “not to separate families”.
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