What will Trump win for immigrants - ForumDaily
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What will trump win for immigrants

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While the presidential election has been left behind, and supporters of both candidates are moving away from shock, millions of Americans are wondering about the future immigration policy of 45 American President.

In fact, despite the rhetoric during Trump’s election campaign, a number of data collected after the election show that most of the billionaire’s supporters do not support the idea of ​​mass deportation. They tend to favor productive immigration decisions and policies in general, writes American immigration council.

However, an elected president will be able to shape American immigration policy by regulating executive actions, political decisions, and also in cooperation with Congress.

Trump can go in different directions, feeling the support of his party, which has a controlling stake over the executive and legislative branches. However, one should not forget that in the USA there is a Constitution, laws and a judicial system that establish the parameters of government actions.

Add to this the fact that the United States has strong communities to protect the rights of immigrants who will not stand aside and allow any part of the government to be surrounded by the values ​​and obligations of the country regarding justice.

At the moment it is difficult to predict how Trump’s campaign rhetoric will be political proposals. Many wonder about the future of the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program. She extends a helping hand to those who were brought illegally into the United States before the age of 16.

If Trump fulfills his promises and cancels this program, then more than 700 of thousands of young immigrants who were brought in before the age of 16 will lose their ability to work legally and remain in limbo. Without a work permit, they will not be able to attend college and pass on a driver's license. By doing this, the new president will destroy not only families, but also communities. It is extremely cruel and unproductive.

In the meantime, it is important to remember that Trump will not take office until January 20, and until then President Obama remains commander in chief of the country. This will give the immigrant rights community an extra 2 of a month to prepare a range of solutions.

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