US Migration Service Lacks Funds for Deportation of Illegal Migrants - ForumDaily
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The US Migration Service lacks funds for the deportation of illegal migrants

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Фото: Depositphotos

The geography of illegal migration in the United States in 2016 has changed significantly, causing concern among border officials and migration services.

In 2015-2016, the number of illegal migrants from Asia and Africa increased, India and China entered the top 10 of countries whose citizens linger on the US border when they try to enter the country illegally. ABC News.

From October 2015 to August 2016, about 8 thousands of illegal migrants from India, China, Romania, Bangladesh and Nepal were detained at the US border.

Despite the fact that Mexico still ranks 1 among countries from which illegal migrants come to the US (408 thousands arrested in 2015 year), the number of people arriving from this country in 2016 almost did not change, but the figure for migrants from Asia and Africa has grown several times.

This is a matter of concern for the migration services, since the deportation of violators to Mexico is carried out very quickly, sometimes within a few days, and is much cheaper than sending migrants to other continents.

Visitors from China and India sometimes for months waiting for paperwork for deportation or a court decision on their case, while in prison or a special institution on the content of the US government.

From October 2015 to August 2016, the number of illegal migrants from distant countries is constantly increasing, which leads to the fact that about 40 thousands of people are sometimes kept in migration prisons at the same time. At the same time, the budget of prisons is designed for maintaining 34 thousands of people at a time. According to officials, this situation may lead to a shortage of funds in the amount of $ 130 million, which they promise to cover from other budget items, but are still concerned about the trend.

At the same time, the arrival of illegal migrants from the countries of Asia and Africa complicates the process of checking and communicating with them because of the language barrier.

Many migrants from these countries attempt to enter the United States through Mexico or Brazil, countries where residents of Asia and Africa do not require a visa or can obtain one quite easily.

While in 2013, the number of illegal migrants from Asia and Africa who were detained in Mexico was less than a thousand, from January to August of 2016, their number reached 11 thousand. Most of them, according to the border authorities, planned to get from Mexico to the United States.

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