Personal experience of a super saver: a woman for 20 years has not bought new clothes, she even has second-hand underwear
The mother-of-two said she's been wearing used clothes for 20 years — she even buys second-hand underwear. The edition told in more detail Dailymail.

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Angela Morton, a member of the super saver family, saves hundreds of pounds every year thanks to her shopping skills.
Supersavers are people who save a significant portion of their income by buying used items at low prices and recycling what they already have.
She even convinced her children, 17-year-old Ben and 16-year-old Megan, to follow her example, as well as her father and husband, 40-year-old David.
In an effort to look "unique" to others, she browses thrift stores and online second-hand marketplaces such as eBay and Vinted and claims to enjoy the "hype" her shopping habit brings.
“According to my calculations, I save hundreds of pounds a year by buying used things,” said Angela.
“On just three items I saved about £1304 ($1500),” she proudly admitted. — My children have been wearing second-hand or handmade clothes for at least 10 years, and they have never had a problem with it.
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“As children, they didn’t know anything different. Now they are older, they like vintage style and can get more for their money. My son loves the 1970s and 1980s and loves buying vintage items. We like to go vintage shopping with the whole family,” the woman noted.
She recently bought a Vivienne Westwood bag, only used once, for £56 ($67), and two Stella McCartney bags for £40 ($48) instead of a whopping £800 ($960).
Another of her bargain finds, a pair of Dr Martens that lasted her more than eight years and cost just £25 ($30).
Angela's obsession with second hand shopping began when she was 19 years old with a keen interest in vintage fashion.
Angela said: “I loved the 1950s and 1960s when I was younger, especially the clothes and the music. I never liked the styles of modern fashion, and I didn’t want to look like everyone else.”
Since then, she has shopped almost exclusively at thrift and vintage stores, as well as eBay, for two decades.
She claims that 97% of the clothes she owns are second-hand.
The only things Angela bought were a few new socks and some underwear, although most of her underwear is still second-hand.
Angela said: “Sometimes I buy new items from brands like YOU The brand is a charity and has a buy one, give two model, which means that every time you buy a pair of underwear, they donate two pairs of Smalls for underwear. All.
“Although I am buying new socks. I also buy second-hand lingerie, but it has to be unworn and with tags,” Angela explained.
Her family even asks for used items as gifts for special occasions.
“They ask for used clothes for birthdays and Christmas. Ninety percent of my son's gifts were second-hand last Christmas, all of which he picked out himself. I'm very happy that they decided to do this. “I educate them about the impact of fast fashion on the planet and hope that it will help them make informed choices,” she said.
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To help others get started buying used items, Angela shared some of her top tips.
She said: “If you want to do the same, you need to be mindful of what you need and shop on secondhand sites like eBay, Depop, Vinted and Facebook Marketplace. Set up alerts for whatever you want. The good thing about Vinted is that you can negotiate a price with the seller.”
“Talk to your friends about swapping clothes with each other. This is a great way to get rid of unnecessary things. Start with small changes and don't be hard on yourself,” she advises.
The woman's environmental and ethical concerns about what she buys led her to start her own business, and as a family, they tried to reduce their plastic waste.
Angela finally explained: “I strive not to influence the planet. I started my Equalibrium business two years ago to reduce plastic waste.”
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