What products are profitable to buy on Amazon - ForumDaily
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What products are profitable to buy on Amazon

Фото: Depositphotos

Online retailer Amazon It is popular with customers because of the low prices of all products: from diapers to blenders and batteries.

However, in order to maximize the benefits of buying goods in Amazon, need to constantly monitor offers. GOBankingRates I checked different groups of goods and made a list of the most inexpensive goods that can be bought at Amazon.

  1. Garden vacuum cleaner on Amazon can buy for $ 92,45
  2. Autumn gloves - $ 9,99
  3. Scarves - $ 14,89
  4. Candles — $14,99 $
  5. Heaters - $ 24,99
  6. Grass Seeds for Lawn - $ 15,31
  7. Blenders - $ 82,97
  8. Mixers - $ 299
  9. Food processors - $ 144.99
  10. Washing powder — $18,23 ($16,23 with online coupon for $2 off first shipment)
  11. kitchenware - $ 44,95
  12. Gaming consoles - $ 43,87
  13. Wireless Gaming Headsets - $ 83,81
  14. HDMI cables- $ 14,99
  15. Diapers — $23,08 ($21,08 with online coupon for first free shipping)
  16. Accumulators - $ 12,49
  17. Halloween Wigs - $ 18,99
  18. Nail polish - $ 25.99
  19. Film for cameras and cameras - $ 12,49
  20. Protein powder - $ 55.09
  21. Charging cords for phones - $ 8,49.

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