How to help a child move the heat - ForumDaily
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How to help your child get through the heat

The main problem that occurs in summer is the high temperature of the surrounding air, which cannot be reduced by airing: it is hot everywhere.

Candidate of Medical Sciences Yevgeny Olegovich Komarovsky told about how to help a child move the heat.

1. Compliance with the regime

A comfortable and “healthy” temperature for a child is 22 degrees, humidity is 40%. You can cool the warm air using an air conditioner, and humidify it using a humidifier or wet cleaning.

2. Air conditioning is better than a fan

For kids, air conditioning is better than a fan.

During operation of the air conditioner, air comes in contact with a cold surface, and this is accompanied by moisture condensation, which is removed from the room through a drain hose.

As a result, air conditioning leads to air drying. During operation of the air conditioner, it is necessary to control the humidity of the air and, if necessary, use a humidifier.

3. Keep the air conditioner clean

Do not forget that the air conditioner has filters that should be replaced or washed regularly.

4. Use the mode of smooth (slow) temperature change.

When using an air conditioner, the main thing is to correctly set the desired temperature without harm to the child. To do this, you should gradually reduce it by 2 degrees. If the room is 28 degrees, and you need to reduce it to the norm of 22 degrees, first set it to 26 degrees, after half an hour we lower it to 24, and after another half hour to 22.

5. Without fanaticism

Before operating the air conditioner there is a zone of active air movement, the size of this zone (usually two by three meters) is individual, that is, it depends on the specific model of the device. This must be taken into account, and, at least, not to place a children's bed here.

6. Ventilation

At least sometimes air the room, of course, taking into account the weather and the ecological situation outside the window.

7. Plentiful Drink

The high temperature of the environment, as we already know, leads to the fact that the child loses a lot of liquid, because he is forced to regulate heat transfer with the help of sweat. If this liquid can be returned back in the form of abundant drinking, the situation is quite controlled and for local immunity is not dangerous.

8. Water procedures

If you want to alleviate the condition of the child, you can bathe him under a refreshing shower three to four times a day. If this is not possible, then you can pour out of the jug or wipe with a wet towel. This will help to transfer high temperatures more easily and avoid overheating.

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