Jewish federations of North America have raised more than $600 million to help Israel - ForumDaily
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Jewish Federations of North America Raise More Than $600 Million to Help Israel

Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) raised more than $600 million in an emergency fundraising campaign to help Israel. $148 million has already been allocated for critical needs, distributed through 116 partner organizations.

Jewish Federation leaders visited Ronen Gabay, who was wounded on October 7 and received benefits from the Terror Victims Fund. Photo: Jewish Agency Sokhnut

$10,6 million was allocated to provide medical and psychological assistance. At the expense of the collected JFNA 22 tons of medicines and humanitarian aid used for emergency medical needs were transferred. These funds supported almost 2 victims, 100 of whom received assistance in the first 1 days the war.

The funds raised also went to support the activities of the Fund for Relief to Victims of Terror, food supply and volunteer activities. More than 48 thousand food packages were delivered, including 2 packages for Holocaust survivors. More than 600 hot meals were provided to people at risk.

Organizations receiving funds raised include the Jewish Agency Sokhnut, Joint, World ORT, Israel Trauma Coalition, United Hatzalah, Magen David Adom, ZAKA, Chabad and more than a dozen hospitals and medical organizations.

The fundraising campaign is only part of the effort Jewish federations to support Israel. JFNA distributed hundreds of thousands of blue and white ribbons as part of a public campaign of solidarity with more than 200 hostages held by Hamas.

Across North America, Jewish federations and communities are mobilizing to raise awareness of the importance of continued political support for Israel in its fight against terrorism. JFNA helped organize more than 120 public events, attracting hundreds of thousands of supporters, including leading political and civic leaders.

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