Elite alcohol for a penny: Aldi whiskey for $ 17 was recognized as the best in the world - ForumDaily
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Elite alcohol for a penny: Aldi whiskey for $ 17 was recognized as the best in the world

Aldi, a discount supermarket chain with stores in more than 20 countries, has just received an award for the best whiskey in the world. Esquire.

Photo: IStock

At the Spirits Business Scotch Whiskey Masters competition, judges awarded the Aldi brand two gold medals, one for Highland Black Scotch Whiskey and the other for Islay Single Malt Scotch Whiskey. They share the gold with other members. Highland Black has hints of heather, strawberry leaf and lemon oil and retails for $17. Islay single malt whiskey is "fresh and tangy" and retails for $23.

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Aldi also won gold medals in this whiskey competition last year. His rosé wine has been awarded a silver medal at an international competition, and his gin has been repeatedly recognized as the best in the world.

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Spirits Business Scotch Whiskey Masters also presented awards to some very refined and prestigious whiskeys such as Kilchoman Machir Bay and Glen Scotia 18 Year Old. But the moral of the story is this: you can always find quality products at reasonable prices.

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