Oak, Sequoia and Christmas Tree: The History of the American Symbol - ForumDaily
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Oak, Sequoia and Christmas Tree: The History of the American Symbol

The more often we travel the world, the more we become convinced of its diversity and diversity. It is not only about national characteristics, architecture, way of life of specific countries and regions, but also about the differences in their nature, climate, landscape, with the flora and flora predominating there. It is easy to imagine how the first settlers who came here mainly from Europe were amazed by the environment of America. And given its huge spaces, it is not surprising that the flowers, birds, trees and animals in each state of the future united country were very different from each other. So in its north, priority was given: in the state of New York - rose, blue bird and sugar maple, in Minnesota - Venus shoe, polar loon and red pine, and in Montana - Lewisia, lark and yellow pine. In the south: in Texas - a cornflower, a mockingbird and a dwarf palm, and in Arizona - a cactus, a cactus wren and an acacia. While in the west: in California - the Maca, the meadow quail and the poplar. And in the east: in North Carolina - dogwood, cardinal and southern pine. With the presence of 50 states in the country, these differences were enormous. Nevertheless, it was still possible to identify the main common symbols for the whole country: bird, tree, flower, and the representative of mammals. Among the trees - oak and redwood.

Фото: Depositphotos

It is not unusual that the story about symbolic trees follows immediately after the story about birds. After all, if people’s admiration for birds was mainly associated with their amazing ability to rise high into the sky, take off, or more figuratively, “soar,” and then fly somewhere up into the sun, then with trees the message was approximately the same, but with different accents. After all, the image of the so-called The “world tree” was actually a kind of connecting element - a symbol that unites the upper and lower worlds, drawing strength from all four elements: the roots - from the earth and water, the crown - from the sun's rays and from the air. At the same time, in our consciousness, the attitude towards it as something eternal has been fixed. Because, after a tree, as if dying, lost its leaf cover, it soon came to life again and was clothed with new foliage. For many peoples, the tree was considered the road along which the shaman and his prayer rise to the sky. And their priests interpreted in their own way the noise of the branches and the rustle of oak leaves, making prophecies for their many fans. The tree symbolized the central vertical axis of the world, connecting Heaven and Earth; man and his path to spiritual heights: the cycles of life, death and rebirth, as well as the Universe and its processes of eternal renewal, hidden Wisdom and the mysterious laws of existence.

In the myths of many peoples of the world, there are often two central trees: the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. And if the Tree of Life is the Teacher, then the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is rather a tempter, creating obstacles and trials on the path to Truth and Wisdom. And this is all just so that a person learns to distinguish the fake from the genuine and take responsibility for his thoughts, intentions and actions. Therefore, people especially revered trees that bear the “fruits of life” - grapevine, mulberry, peach, date, almond, sesame... In many countries it was believed that, firmly and confidently placed on the earth (like their tribe), the family tree’s crown embraces the whole world and the sky, clouds and stars are supported on it. By cutting down these trees, the founder of the empire, Charlemagne, horrified the Saxon tribes. They fell to the ground, closed their eyes, confident that now the world would cease to exist and darkness would cover them. But opening their eyes in amazement, they were convinced that their family tree had been cut down, but the world had not changed. So the emperor introduced a new religion - Christianity - into their pagan souls, thereby proving that his god was more powerful than theirs. The entire Christian religion, one way or another, was connected with wood: from the apple tree in the Garden of Eden, Noah's wooden ship, to the crucifixion of Christ on a wooden cross.

Therefore, each country had its own trees, which over time became their original symbols.

On the African continent in high esteem was Baobab. This is the only tree in which crypts were built for deceased leaders. Residents of the Zambezi basin believed that the first ruler of these places turned into a baobab. Childless families made pilgrimages to him, goats and chickens were sacrificed, and sometimes whole solemn ceremonies were held led by clergy. In the forests of the Limpopo Valley, only the priests watched over the baobabs - shrines, and kept their location strictly secret. When in the 1950s, during the construction of the Kariba Dam on the Zambezi River, the clans of the Batonga and Korekore people began to be resettled, they refused to leave and leave their baobab shrines. According to Indian legend, you can come to the baobab tree with any desire, and it, like a self-assembled tablecloth, will fulfill any request. Later this will pass into European culture. Remember how in the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, Cinderella planted a twig on her mother's grave, and it grew into a tree that fulfilled all her wishes.

Birch. Symbol of fertility and light. Protects against witches and drives away evil spirits. This is probably why it was customary to feed lazy people and sleepwalkers birch porridge. It was common practice to make a broom for a bathhouse, light a birch splinter, and on a spring day collect healing sap that cleanses the blood and restores strength after a long winter. Birch, as an ancient symbol, was a sacred tree throughout Northern Europe. That is why the first month of spring in Ukraine is called “Berezen”. There is information that some tribes living in Russia and Belarus buried people in birch bark. The birch tree was revered as a receptacle for the souls of the dead. Birch bark replaced paper in Ancient Rus', and even today it is often used in traditional crafts (for example: weaving boxes, tueskov).

Acacia. It is considered a symbol of immortality, especially in the Jewish and Christian traditions. Acacia trees were used in the construction of sarcophagi and tabernacles in temples. Some believe that it was from the acacia that the thorny crown of Jesus Christ was woven. The red and white flowers of acacia symbolized the dual unity of life and death. The biting stick of acacia was used by masons in initiation ceremonies, and as a mourning attribute.

Pear. Symbolizes love and motherhood. After all, the very shape of the fruit of the pear resembles the hip part of the female body or the breast. In ancient times, it was considered an attribute of the ancient Greek goddesses of Hera (in Roman mythology of Juno) and Aphrodite (Venus). In China, this fruit is a symbol of longevity for the reason that pear trees live and bear fruit for a long time. Since the white color was considered mourning there, the pear blossom was often a funeral attribute.

Cedar. Since the times of the ancient Sumerians, it has been a symbol of power and immortality. The aroma, durability, impressive height of this conifer tree made it a biblical emblem of greatness and longevity, and its tree - a symbol of Christ. Cedar was used in the construction of the Solomon Temple, to create the Greek and Roman busts of gods and ancestors, and Celtic embalming masters widely used cedar resin.

And finally - oak. It is considered the most respected and revered among other trees. Ceremonies were held at the sacred oak trees related to events fateful for the life of tribes or peoples: war and peace, coronation, court, and the conclusion of trade treaties. Among the ancient Teutons, as well as among the Greeks, Latins, Lithuanians, and Slavs, the god of oak was the god of thunder, who sent rain and moistened the earth. Most likely, this was due to the belief that oak could withstand a lightning strike. At least, the characteristics of oak wood in its resistance to water - “staining”, i.e., have been firmly established. resistance to rotting. (That’s why oak piles were so often used in Venice, Amsterdam and St. Petersburg when building houses on wet soils and swamps). Additionally, oak wood is actually very difficult to light. Like other tall and durable trees, oak often served as a landmark in the area. In Greece, an oak branch symbolized the strength, power and nobility of the family. Bowing before him, the Greeks dedicated him to Apollo, the patron of the arts. In Ancient Rome, this role was destined for Jupiter, and acorns were called Jupiter's fruits. The famous Roman scientist and naturalist Pliny the Elder wrote that oak trees “have not been touched for centuries, they are the same age as the world, therefore they amaze with their immortality, as one of the wonders of the world.” In ancient Rome, a wreath of oak leaves was given to soldiers who saved the life of a comrade during a battle. Such a wreath later became an emblem of freedom, courage and bravery. But these are all “spectacles”, and what about the “bread”? Archaeological scientists from around the world have documented that the first “bread plant” should be considered not modern cereals - rye or wheat, but the same oak. People used the abundant harvests of its acorns to make bread in very ancient times. Soviet archaeologists, during excavations of Trypillian settlements on the territory of the modern Kirovograd region in Ukraine, found dried and ground acorns, from which bread was baked here more than 5000 years ago.
The oak grows quite slowly - about 80 years, mainly in height, forming a deep, strong core of the root system, and only after this time does it begin to grow in breadth at full strength. In general, the average tree can grow in height up to 120, and sometimes even up to 200 years. That’s why oak wood has always been highly expensive, and not everyone could afford to use it for construction or home improvement. In general, the genus includes about 600 species, but the tree is easy to recognize - by its acorns and its fruits.

Among the oaks, no doubt, there are long-livers. We remind you of some of those that are somehow connected with important events in the life of the planet. The oldest of them is Mamre Oak, or the Oak of Abraham - the tree under which, according to the Bible, Abraham received God. And “the Lord appeared to him at the oak grove of Mamre, when he was sitting at the entrance to the tent, during the heat of the day.” It was there that Abraham suggested to the three angels who appeared to him in the form of travelers: “rest under this tree.” Nowadays, the tree, already completely withered, is located on the territory of the Russian monastery of the Holy Trinity in Hebron, on the West Bank of the Jordan River. It is believed that its decline began at the end of the 1996th century, and its last green leaf was observed in April 5000. Most likely this was due to the increasing number of pilgrims from year to year who tore pieces of bark from the tree as a souvenir. Although, no one could say exactly how many years this oak tree lived. It is believed that about 1998 thousand. But local monks passed on from generation to generation a legend that the death of this tree would be one of the signs of the end of the world. But their fears were soon dispelled. Already by XNUMX, a young root shoot appeared near the withered trunk, which allowed believers to believe that they had been given another chance from above for revival and continuation of life.

Shchyroko is known and the oldest oak in Britain, the so-called. "Major Oak" - the pride of Sherwood Forest. According to local legend, Robin Hood and his merry company hid under the shade of this particular oak tree. It weighs about 23 tons, the trunk circumference is 10 meters, and the branch span reaches 28. It is believed to be 800-1000 years old. The tree was called by many different names over the years, but eventually, after Major Hayman Rooke included it in his popular book on the ancient oaks of Sherwood in 1790, the name Major Oak stuck. Soon there was a need to support its expanding branches. Having gone through many options: from metal chains and wooden struts, we have now settled on thin steel poles.

Major Oak in Nottinghamshire. Photo: Wikipedia, public domain

No less interesting and Zaporizhia oaklocated on the right bank of the Dnieper, near the city of Zaporozhye in Ukraine. There are many legends about him: here Bogdan Khmelnitsky allegedly gathered his squad, Ivan Sirko, the ataman of Zaporizhzhya Sich, and his Cossacks wrote a letter to the Turkish sultan under him, and in 1843, the poet T. Shevchenko read his poem Katerina. It is believed that this oak is already more than 700 years old, and now it has only one live branch preserved. Since 2010, he is considered the National Tree of Ukraine.

Zaporizhia oak. Photo: gazeta.zp.ua

Since we have already reached the territory of the former Soviet Union, we should definitely visit Peterhof, on the Tsaritsyn Island of Olga’s Pond. There, behind a small fence, we will find an oak tree, in front of which there is a memorial plaque, with the text of a letter written on it, addressed to the Russian Emperor Nicholas I. The fact is that in 1838 he was given a package with an acorn and a letter in which he said: that “the enclosed acorn was taken from the oak tree overshadowing the grave of the unforgettable Washington, and presented as a sign of the greatest respect to His Majesty the Emperor of All Russia.” The emperor was touched and received the young American George Sumner, who, passionately wanting to somehow get an audience with the emperor, came up with the idea of ​​giving him just such a gift. And he hit the nail on the head. Nicholas I had an excellent attitude towards Washington and ordered that this acorn be immediately planted as a sign of friendship and gratitude to the country and its great president. Russia and America then had nothing to divide: they had a common enemy - England. Just in case, Sumner grabbed another acorn. Who knows, what if the first one doesn’t take root. But it took root, and now delights all guests of Peterhof. They rush here to see this amazing tree in the Russian park - Washington Oak.

But they have no idea that this story had a continuation. In 1897, the now American Ambassador to Russia, Ethan A. Hitchcock, took acorns from the Peterhof oak tree and transported them back to America, planting them in the garden near the White House - the official residence of the US President. Since the oak tree over Washington’s grave no longer exists, the “sons” of the oak tree that once took root in Peterhof, grown from acorns brought at one time from the estate of the great president, are now growing near the White House in Washington. In fact, the “grandchildren” of that very famous oak tree.

It is curious that the tradition of planting “memorial” trees near the White House, which has a long tradition, continues to this day. So on March 23, 2018, the Presidents of the United States, Donald Trump, and the Presidents of France, Emmanuel Macron, planted an oak tree on the south lawn of the White House. The fact is that Macron and his wife Brigitte, during their first official visit to the United States, presented Trump with a young oak tree from the north of France as a “symbol of long-term relations.” Maybe this is exactly what the poet Mussa Jalil once spoke about: “It’s worth living to cut a trace into the ground deeper, more noticeable, So that your work remains, Like a thousand-year-old oak.”

Donald Trump and Emmanuel Macron for planting trees at the White House.
Photo: video frame

But back a bit. After all, the theme of our story, ultimately, is American oak.

In 2009, in the Jurupa Valley in California, scientists discovered the oldest tree on earth. It turned out to be Oak Palmer (Quercus palmeri), whose age is estimated at 13000 years. Study co-author Andrew Sanders claims that this is the only surviving representative of the disappeared forest flora that grew in the area at the height of the last ice age. This is a shrubby type of oak. All the characteristics of the species are clearly presented here: the pistils are short, the acorns ripen every 18 months, they are very bitter, the shell of the acorns is hairy on the inside. Scientists made a conclusion about the age of the plant after they discovered that all the trees in the discovered population appeared as a result of asexual reproduction, that is, in fact, they can be considered one plant. The species was named after Edward Palmer, an English botanist and researcher of US flora.

Of course, we can talk endlessly about American oaks. It is no coincidence that states such as Iowa, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey and the District of Columbia have recognized oak as a priority over other tree species. Let's talk about some of the most visited places by tourists associated with American oak trees. So, in Angel Oak Park on Johns Island, not far from Charleston (South Carolina), there is a completely unusual, fabulously spread out its branches - Oak of angels (Angel Oak). Its age is estimated at 400-500 years, its height is 20 m., And its circumference is equal to 8,5 m. The shadow of oak covers 1600 square meters, with the longest branch reaching 57 meters in length. (For photos of oak, see the beginning of this article). The name of the oak is directly related to the American slave owner Justus Angel and his wife Tucker Martha Waight Angel, in whose estate he grew up. However, in these places there is also a legend telling about the ghosts of their former slaves, who allegedly often appeared as angels around a tree.

And another address: Vacherie, Louisiana USA. You and I are located between Beyton Rouge and New Orleans, where the estates that used to be the richest people in the United States are still located, which can amaze you with their magnificence and sophistication. By tradition, they are called “Plantations” and were built in the 19th century, even before the Civil War, at the expense of the slave labor of the black people of Louisiana. Some of them have been turned into museums and are open to the public. Which is understandable: from more than 350 estates, only 40 is preserved. The most interesting among them is the plantationOak Alley". A young couple, Jacques Roman and Selina Pilier, the French Creole from New Orleans, moved here on 1835 and built a cozy mansion with a traditional colonnade decorating the main facade. Soon, they planted 28 oaks in front of him, which, as a result of their spreading crown, blocked the entire alley (240m. Length), creating an unusual green arch, giving it a mysterious mystery. How can we not recall Dmitry Minaev: "With her I reached the garden And my annoyance passed, And now I’m all the way, Remembering the dark alley". Could the filmmakers be ignored, and not use it in the form of “live” scenery, in many of their films, including “Gone with the Wind”, “Primary Colors”, or “Interview with the Vampire”.

Now it becomes completely clear to us why in November 2004 the US Congress officially recognized the oak tree as the national symbol of the United States. The initiator of this decision was the National Arbor Day Foundation. Oak is traditionally associated with power, nobility, health and longevity. Various types of oak trees can be found throughout almost all of the United States. The fact is that on April 10, 1872, the first “Arbor Day” was held in Nebraska City (Nebraska), when about one million seedlings were planted. And only a century later, in 1971, the National Arbor Day Foundation was created in the United States, a non-profit organization whose goal was “to inspire people to plant, grow and enjoy trees.” In 2004, the National Arbor Day Foundation held a vote on its website, according to the results of which the majority of Americans who voted chose the Oak tree as the symbol of the country. That same year, Congress officially confirmed this choice. There are more than sixty species of oak in the United States, making it America's most common hardwood species. Interestingly, the giant sequoia was voted second, followed by dogwood, maple and pine.

About redwoods and Christmas trees

Scientists say that many millions of years ago gigantic redwoods grew throughout the northern hemisphere of the Earth. But now, in their natural form, these giants grow only in a narrow strip of length 720 km. along the Pacific coast in North America, California. For their full existence there are ideal conditions here: high humidity, frequent fogs and the absence of sweltering heat. Sequoia can be found in other parts of the world, but there it is grown artificially, and therefore can not reach such huge sizes as in the homeland. Giant sequoias are one of the cypher subspecies, and the oldest known sequoias known today are more than 3,5 thousands of years old. The average tree height is about 60 meters, but there are also whole groves, with heights exceeding 90 meters. Today, about fifty sequoias are known, whose height exceeds the 105-meter mark.

The highest of the now famous trees of our planet is the sequoia. "Hypertension, Growing in Redwood National Park, near San Francisco. The height of this giant is 115,61 meters. It was decided not to publish the exact location of Hyperion so that the potential tourist flow does not destroy the ecosystem in which this giant tree has lived for centuries. (Remember what happened to the oak of Mamre?). The total timber volume of this giant is 502 m³, and the estimated age of 700-800 is years.

There is an interesting subspecies of sequoias called sequoiadendrons, which are distinguished by their smaller height but significantly larger trunk diameter. The most voluminous sequoia in the world belongs to this subspecies - it is 83,8-meter "General Sherman", The diameter of the base of which is equal to 11,1 m., And the coverage of the trunk 31,3 meter. The volume of the tree is 1487 cubic meters. It got its name from the light hand of naturalist James Wolverton, who served as a lieutenant in the 9 Indian Cavalry Corps during the Civil War, under the command of General William Tecumseh Sherman. The omniscient “Wikipedia” cites a paragraph from I. Ilf and E. Petrov’s book “One-story America”, dedicated to him: “The largest tree is four thousand years old. (it is considered that 2300-2700).

It's called "General Sherman". Americans are extremely practical people. There is a sign hanging near the Sherman that states with the greatest accuracy that from this one tree you can build forty houses, with five rooms in each house, and that if this tree were placed next to a Union Pacific train, it would be longer than the train. And looking at the tree, at all this transparent and dark forest, I didn’t want to think about five-room apartments and Union Pacific trains. I wanted to dreamily pronounce Pasternak’s words: “The cathedral darkness swirled in the forest” - and try as calmly as possible to imagine that this “family of conifers” grew peacefully when not only Columbus was not in the world, but also Caesar, and Alexander the Great, and even Egyptian king Tutankhamun."

Sequoia "General Sherman". Photo: Depositphotos

The General Sherman Oak is located in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park, where five of the ten largest trees in the world by wood volume can be found. The “forest” is connected by the “Road of the Generals” with Grant Grove in Kings Canyon National Park, where another attraction of the park is located - General Grant's Tree (General Grant tree). Until 1931, when the sequoia "General Sherman" was discovered, it was considered the most voluminous tree in the world. And it was named in 1867 year in honor of the general, the hero of the Civil War and 18 of the United States President Ulysses Grant. 28 April 1926 President Calvin Coolidge proclaimed him the “Christmas tree of the nation”. And 29 March 1956, US President Dwight Eisenhower, declared the tree also a “National Shrine”, as well as a memorial to those who died during the war. It is believed that this is the only living object declared such a monument.

General Grant.
Photo: Wikipedia, public domain

"General Grant", decorated as the "Christmas tree of the nation."
Photo: Wikipedia, public domain

Of course, the idea of ​​​​making the most powerful tree at that time the Christmas tree of the country was theoretically good. But only theoretically. Given the park's distance from major centers (Los Angeles is 225 miles, Las Vegas is 400 miles, Death Valley West Entrance is 310 miles), hopes that large groups of visitors would come here to celebrate Christmas turned out to be illusory. Not to mention the fact that by that time, thanks to German settlers, the tradition of not only installing (1747), but also decorating Christmas trees with toys and holiday garlands had already fully spread in the United States. Technically, it was almost impossible to do this here, since with a tree height of 81 meters, the crown began only at a height of 65-70m.

So, undoubtedly, the main Christmas tree of the country is the so-called. "Presidential" tree at the White House. This tradition originated in 1856, when US President Franklin Pierce ordered to put a Christmas tree inside the White House. But since 1923, on the orders of President Calvin Coolidge, the National Christmas tree is set on the lawn in front of the White House, and the lights on it are solemnly lit by the president.

And later 10 years, the mayor of the city of New York officially officially lit the second main Christmas tree of the country in the Rockwell Center. And already in 1964, in Washington, at the Capitol, one more of the country's main Christmas trees lit up. So no one remembers sequoia as a “Christmas tree” now.

And is it possible with the ancient, requiring special climatic conditions, redwoods, when every year in the United States before Christmas and New Year holidays 25-30 million natural trees are set. For the first time, they were on the New York market in 1851, thanks to farmer Mark Karr. The fact is that in those days, Carr had big problems with finances. When he tried to sell the part of the forest that belonged to him, there were no buyers, because the forest was spruce, and the trees themselves had not yet grown to the required size. Then Carr harnessed two oxen to the sleigh, loaded them with freshly cut Christmas trees, and took them to sell them in New York. Approximately 15 years, he was the "Christmas king" of the city, but gradually passed the position under the pressure of numerous competitors. Already by the 1900 year, every fifth American family dressed up a Christmas tree, and now their number reaches 70%. However, it should be noted that approximately one fifth of American families establish artificial Christmas trees, and their number is constantly growing. Kohl, we have already talked to you about artificial trees, it is absolutely impossible not to recall the largest artificial tree in the world, which bears the name

The Tree of Life

It was installed in the entertainment center - Disney World, near Orlando in Florida. On a huge area (about 100 km² - almost the size of two Manhattans) there are four theme parks, one of which is Disney Animal Kingdom. Covering an area of ​​more than 200 hectares, it is a unique combination of a safari park, with opportunities to easily move both on land and along artificial rivers, aquatic animal parks, attractions, an excellent zoo and “Mount Everest”. But its peculiar center and symbol is “Tree of Life"Height 44 m., With a width 15 m. Erected on a metal frame, and assembled as a mosaic, from many parts, almost indistinguishable from afar skillfully painted artificial green crown (about 100 thousands of fixed leaves), as well as interspersed natural elements, it amazes with the virtuosity of coloring and layout, interlacing of plots, and recognizability of all forest inhabitants depicted there. 12-brilliant masters were able to create and combine on its trunk, roots and branches — 325 carved figures of the inhabitants of the animal world. And inside its massive trunk it was still possible to place a 430-seat 3D cinema.

Photo: Discovery Island

Photo: Discovery Island

But, not knowing anything of this, the visitors of the park, looking at this man-made miracle, are completely confident that they face a real huge giant oak tree. And can they think differently, living in a country that is firmly and firmly on the ground, and the whole is directed upwards, or rather into the future. Like an oak tree, which she chose as her national symbol.

And finally, one interesting message. As you know, happy married couples, after 15 years of marriage, celebrate an anniversary called a glass wedding. After 20 years - porcelain, after a quarter of a century - silver, and 50 years - gold. And may God grant you to live to see 80 years of marriage. Or better yet, up to 120. Like oaks, although, as you already know, they live longer.

This article by ForumDaily, journalist Leonid Rajewski is part of the “History
American characters. "

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