A deputy of a local council in Ukraine exploded grenades at a meeting: 26 people were injured, 1 was killed
In the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine, according to information from the National Police, a local deputy committed a grenade explosion in the building of the Keretskovsky village council. As a result of the incident, 26 people were injured, six of whom were in serious condition. Writes about this Meduza.
Two deaths were reported, including the deputy, but police said doctors were making efforts to resuscitate him. According to the latest data, he is still alive.
The grenades were allegedly brought to the building of the village council by a deputy named Sergei Batrin, who, as specified on the website of the Keretskov community, is a member of the commission on law and order.
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The video released by the police shows the deputy entering the room where the meeting is taking place. After waiting at the door for some time, he takes grenades out of his pockets and, turning to the arguing participants with the question “Can I tell you?”, begins to throw them.
The session discussed the issue of adopting the budget for 2024.
In its Telegram channel UNIAN writes that Batrin had a strong argument with his colleagues the day before and demanded that they report on the 2023 budget and only then adopt the budget for 2024.
And a few minutes before the explosion, which was recorded on video, he proved to the deputies that it was impossible to give the village mayor a 50% bonus and a monthly bonus of 100% of the salary. Then he left the room for 2,5 minutes and returned with three grenades.
True, Batrin’s colleagues say that he wanted to become the head of the community, but did not receive support.
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“Everyone who did not support his opinion automatically became bad. He really wanted to become the head of the community, but he did not have the necessary support - only a few deputies. Even his own faction was not for him. They did not bring questions to the session because they knew that they did not have support. Instead, they brought in someone else. Also from Servant of the People. They voted for him,” writes local journalist Vitaly Glagola, citing “a colleague close to the bomber,” writes UNIAN.
“This is what became the detonator, not the bonuses. After that, he asked those who supported him to go outside. They went out. He told them to leave there, and he returned and threw grenades,” the journalist’s interlocutor claims.
Law enforcement officials reported that the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) began an investigation under the article of terrorism in connection with the incident.
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