The baby fell into a coma after his grandmother gave him wine - ForumDaily
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The baby fell into a coma after his grandmother gave him wine.

A four-month-old boy was left in a coma after his grandmother accidentally mixed milk powder with wine, reports Dailymail.

A parent trying to comfort and feed a crying screaming baby


A woman mistook a bottle of wine for a dark glass bottle of water when preparing formula for her baby.

A grandmother from Francavilla Fontana in the southern Italian province of Brindisi gave to kid feeding bottle around noon. He drank some mixture of powdered milk and wine and then refused to eat.

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The woman, after sniffing the bottle, realized her mistake. The unfortunate grandmother urgently took her grandson to the nearest pediatric hospital, where he received emergency assistance.

The little boy's stomach was pumped, then he was intubated and transferred to the intensive care unit.

His condition is stable and improving.

The prosecutor's office was notified of this case. She will review the child's medical records to decide whether to pursue criminal charges.

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