Airlines Don't Want You To Know About It: Top 20 Secrets - ForumDaily
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Airlines don't want you to know about this: top 20 secrets

Air travel is very common these days, and many airlines do not want you to know something about flying. These secrets can help you keep up to date.

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1. Your smartphone will not crash a plane

Stewardesses ask everyone to take their phones to flight mode before takeoff. But the real reason you should do this is due to interference. Kenny Kirhoff of the Boeing Electromagnetic Interference Laboratory says that interference from electronics can affect aircraft systems, but not cause a crash.

2. Is the flight canceled? Call immediately

If the airline cancels your flight while you wait, queue at the ticket office as soon as possible and call support. Agents will help to quickly resolve all issues without standing in a long line of disgruntled passengers. “While you are talking with us, we already determine that there are only 10 seats left for the next flight, and their number is decreasing because other agents are booking these seats,” explains The Huffington Post.

3. Amazing items hidden on every plane

Stewardesses may have handcuffs, a defibrillator, additional oxygen, a fire extinguisher and an ax. These facilities protect passengers from others and themselves. Hidden handcuffs can deter anyone who is restless. In addition, airplanes have what they need in the event of a heart attack, fire, or electrical problems.

4. The airline cannot hold you on a plane with a delay

The rules limit the time during which an airline can hold passengers on board an aircraft. The management has a rule: “Airlines cannot keep passengers on planes for more than three hours if it has not taken off.” Unfortunately, this rule increases flight cancellation, according to the Chicago Tribune. Why? Airlines do not want fines for delaying passengers on airplanes.

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5. Your pilot is tired more than you think

Pilots can be in the air for no more than eight hours in 24-hour format. But this time does not include delays, pre-flight inspections and maintenance while the pilot is in the cockpit. That way, they can really work on 14 hours a day, says HowStuffWorks. During the "rest", pilots should go to work, eat, plan future flights and try to sleep a bit.

6. The airline can pay you a lot of money for a lost bag

Airlines are known to be stingy with payouts. However, an airline may owe you a lot of money. In the USA, the payment for lost baggage can be up to 3300 dollars. But you must show proof of the value of the items in your bag.

7. Skip a meal

Food in flight can be stale and overheated to fool your taste buds. One employee who worked at five major airlines said that food is produced 12-24 hours before it is received by passengers. A sealed cabin dulls your sense of taste and smell, so the food is salted.

8. Your flight attendants are resting too

Attendants also need to rest on long flights. A door near the front of the aircraft leads to the sleeping compartments located on many Boeing aircraft above passengers. Some even have televisions, storage areas and pajamas.

9. If the crew uses these code words, you have serious problems

Get ready for an emergency if you hear “7500,” “7600,” or “7700.”

The worst thing is to hear the code “7500”. The code means that the plane was hijacked or theft is inevitable. The pilot announces “7600” if it detects a radio failure or loss of communication. The code “7700” indicates a general emergency. During crises, one of the main problems is the pilot’s inability to properly report this problem, reports, a leading source of flight training.

10. The interior light is dim so you can see in the dark

Your eyes need to adjust to the darkness in the event of a life-threatening emergency such as an accident. “If something goes wrong, it’s very important to see in the dark,” the former flight attendant told The Huffington Post. The lights in the cabin must remain such that in the event of an accident the crew can see outside and the firefighters can see inside.

11. Ask for cash, not a voucher

Many flights are booked. Aircraft must be filled by at least 85%, and missed connections or unplanned absence of a passenger are taken into account. However, only 10% of people are late. If this happens and you are delayed for two or more hours, the airline must pay you up to 40% of the ticket price (no more than 1300 dollars). When a service agent offers vouchers, ask for cash or a check.

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12. Pilots do not eat on the plane

For both professional and personal reasons, pilots avoid aviation dishes and snacks. Pilots eat different food than travelers, although all dishes are prepared in the same kitchen. The British pilot, who requested anonymity, said to “We will eat various foods to prevent problems associated with food that could put us out of action.”

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13. Do not buy group tickets at the same time

Reader's Digest explains why customers who order multiple tickets can pay more. If you want to buy four tickets, but the discount is only for three, most people assume that they will receive three at a discount and a fourth at the full price. But in fact, the airline sells all four tickets at a higher price.

14. You can still get a free upgrade if you know what to do.

Getting a free update is difficult, but it can happen if you ask directly and politely. According to the Boarding Area: "Free updates can only be based on operational reasons, such as overcrowding." Do not lose hope; just improve your chances. Travel in calm times, says Skyscanner. Sign up for airline loyalty programs. Come early. Dress beautifully. And speak politely with airline staff.

15. You can eat on the plane yourself

There are no official limits on the amount of food you can take on board.

“The practical thing is to pack your own food,” advises the New York Times. You can take as much food with you as you want. But be aware that Transport Safety Administration regulations for liquids include yogurt and hummus. They must be in transparent bags so that you can go through the search.

16. Buy and fly on certain days

The cheapest days to fly are Tuesdays and Saturdays. There are fewer business customers these days. therefore, it’s more profitable for you to buy tickets from Tuesday to Thursday, HowStuffWorks offers.

17. Hand sanitizers are crucial

Many surfaces on an airplane have more germs than a toilet seat. According to one of the flight attendants, the tables on the trays are cleaned once a day. The crew replaces blankets and pillows only for the first flight at the beginning of the day, and even then if they are used at all. And yes, you can blame the air for malaise. According to HowStuffWorks, the air in the cabin is not enough moisture. Low humidity dries out the nasal mucous membranes, making them more susceptible to germs.

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18. Stewardesses do more than just pour cocktails

Pouring your drink is not the most important part of a flight attendant's job. Their main task is safety. One flight attendant told the Huffington Post:

“We are trained to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, we take self-defense courses and practice what to do if someone becomes uncontrollable or tries to take over the plane. “We must properly arrange all the passengers for an emergency landing, remove the emergency exit doors on the plane, take everyone out, leaving us to be the last.”

19. You can get a refund even on a non-refundable ticket

The US Department of Transportation requires airlines to “allow cancellations within 24 hours without penalty”. Airfare Watchdog reports that “in order to take advantage of the 24-hour cancellation or change rule, it is better to book directly with airlines, via the Internet or by phone, rather than through third-party websites.”

20. Each airline has a contract with you.

The Department of Transportation requires airlines to have a contract with each passenger. The documents prescribe the rules regarding the cancellation of flights, refunds, changes in fares and baggage rules. Technically, these conditions are what you agree to when buying a ticket. Curious? Check out contracts for United, American, and Delta.

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