Housing prices are plummeting: 40 US cities that will soon be under water - ForumDaily
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Housing prices are plummeting: 40 US cities that will soon be under water

As sea levels rise and hurricanes become more and more severe, the effects of climate change are disproportionately felt in some areas of the United States. Edition GOBankingRates studied the costs of warming by monitoring 300 cities from Zillow's study of rising sea levels. Then it analyzed the number and value of real estate properties that were and can be affected by climate change, as well as the total value of this impact.

The study analyzes the loss in value of houses since 2005 and estimates the number of those that may be under water due to sea level rise by 2100. Climate change is a nationwide problem, but every state and city should understand how much climate change will cost them in the coming years.

40. Beach Haven, New Jersey

  • Current average home value: $ 958 600
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 87
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 81,7%

Beach Haven is located on a spit of land known as Long Beach Island. The city had the third-highest median home value in 2019, at $958, and is rising, from $600 in 859 to $600 in 2017.

However, by 2100, 1835 homes in Beach Haven are expected to be underwater—the city's population is just over 1100.

39. Ventnor City, NJ

  • Current average home value: $ 265 000
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 109
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 71,4%

Ventnor City, located on the island of Absecon, is surrounded on all sides by water. Rising sea levels and hurricane activity continue to threaten this city.

38. Davy, Florida

  • Current average home value: $ 341 600
  • Cost lost at affected sites (2005-2017): $ 32
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 51,3%

Davy is located in Broward County, South Florida. The last hurricane to hit the area was Michael in October 2018. It hit the land like a category 5 hurricane.

37. Marathon, Florida

  • Current average home value: $ 178 100
  • Cost lost in affected properties (2005-2017): $ 45
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 93,3%

The marathon is located in the center of the Florida Keys and consists of several islands. This holiday destination was badly damaged by hurricane Irma in 2017. It is expected that by 2100, almost all the houses in the city will be under water.

36. Surf City, New Jersey

  • Current average home value: $ 347 900
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 86
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 87,7%

Surf City lies off the coast of New Jersey with approximately 20 inhabitants. He was hit hard by Hurricane Sandy in 000. Ten years ago, the average cost of a home in this city was $ 2012.

35. Long Beach, New York

  • Current average home value: $ 597 400
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 84
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 62,1%

Long Beach is known as the "city by the sea." With a relatively high average cost of a house (almost $ 600), the potential for large losses threatens this city.

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34. Palm Beach, FL

  • Current average home value: $ 1
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 62
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 49,9%

Palm Beach is well known as a vacation destination for the rich and famous. It has the second-highest median home value on this list, and prices continue to rise. In 2009, the average cost was $900, and in 200 it was $2017. Unfortunately, by 981, almost half of the homes are projected to be under water, and their total cost will be more than $900 billion.

33. Stone Harbor, New Jersey

  • Current average home value: $ 1
  • Cost lost in affected properties (2005-2017): $ 70
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 77,8%

In 2009, the average cost of a home was almost the same as it is today, at $ 1. Then Hurricane Sandy collapsed, and by 530 the average cost of a home was $ 900. It is expected that by 2017, three-quarters of these expensive homes will be under the water.

32. Fort Myers Beach, Florida

  • Current average home value: $ 435 000
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 24
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 86,2%

By 2100, more than 9 homes in this beach village are expected to be under water.

31. Ortley Beach, New Jersey

  • Current average home value: $ 440 800
  • Cost lost in affected properties (2005-2017): $ 94
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 95,8%

Ortley Beach ranks second in the percentage of houses that are projected to be flooded by 2100, which creates potential problems for this city.

30. Holmes Beach, Florida

  • Current average home value: $ 643 200
  • Cost lost in affected properties (2005-2017): $ 75
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 90,6%

Holmes Beach is located on Anna Maria Island, on the Gulf of Mexico, with only 5 inhabitants and 000 miles (3 km) from the beach. By 4,82, nine out of 2100 homes are projected to be under water.

29. Mount Pleasant, South Carolina

  • Current average home value: $ 449 100
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 149
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 24,2%

The cost of houses in Mount Pleasant continues to grow from $ 313 in 200 to $ 2009 in 417 and up to $ 900 today. It is expected that by 2017 about 449 homes, with a total value of $ 100 billion, will go under water.

28. Wildwood, New Jersey

  • Current average home value: $ 381 900
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 77
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 99,8%

Wildwood is a resort town with beaches and a boardwalk filled with entertainment, dining, and shopping. Unfortunately, by 2100, almost all houses in this summer paradise are expected to be under water.

27. Lavalette, New Jersey

  • Current average home value: $ 586 900
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 81
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 82,9%

In 2009, the average cost of housing in Lavalette was $ 652. In 800, Sandy hit and it lowered the cost of housing to $ 2012. By 508, eight out of 900 homes will be under water, causing $ 2100 billion worth of damage.

26. Sanibel, Florida

  • Current average home value: $ 779 500
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 55
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 84,5%

It is expected that by 2100 more than 6 homes will be under water, which will amount to more than $ 000 billion in losses.

25. Brigantine, New Jersey

  • Current average home value: $ 315 100
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 158
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 56,8%

Like many New Jersey cities, Brigantine has not yet fully recovered from Hurricane Sandy. The average cost of housing in 2009 was $ 362, but by 200 it had fallen to $ 2017.

24. Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

  • Current average home value: $ 437 200
  • Cost lost in affected properties (2005-2017): $ 48
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 50,8%

Hilton Head Island's average housing prices recovered from a recent fall, dropping from $ 430 in 400 to $ 2009 in 398. By 200, half of the houses on the island will be under water.

23. Hallandale, Florida

  • Current average home value: $ 213 700
  • Cost lost in affected properties (2005-2017): $ 10
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 78,6%

Hallandale has a relatively low average cost of a home, but also a large number of threatened homes. By 2100, in the city, in fact, about 17 houses will be under water, and the total cost of losses will be $ 600 billion.

22. Margate City, NJ

  • Current average home value: $ 474 300
  • Cost lost in affected properties (2005-2017): $ 109
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 89%

Margate City homes have not yet recovered their lost value since 2009. The average cost at that time was $ 493, and then in 700 it fell to $ 2017. It is estimated that by 437 more than 400 houses will be under water.

21. Chiava Island, South Carolina

  • Current average home value: $ 942 500
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 90
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 93,8%

The city also had the second highest median home value in 2009 at $1. The current median home value is in fourth place at $138. Located 400 miles (942 km) offshore, Kiawah Island ranks 500rd in houses that will be under water by 10.

20. Hialeah, FL

  • Current average home value: $ 287 900
  • Cost lost in affected properties (2005-2017): $ 33
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 46%

According to forecasts, by 2100, about 24 homes will go under water in Hialia (near Miami).

19. Key Largo, Florida

  • Current average home value: $ 625 000
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 159
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 61,6%

Key Largo has a relatively high average home value, which has continued to rise since 2007, even despite several significant hurricanes. But by 2100, six out of 10 homes in the area will be under water.

18. Atlantic City, NJ

  • Current average home value: $ 186 700
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 174
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 73,2%

Nearly three-quarters of urban homes are estimated to be hidden under water by 2100. The average cost of a home in Atlantic City is still lower than in 2009, when it was $ 234, although in 200 it grew from $ 2017.

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17. Ocean City, Maryland

  • Current average home value: $ 603 000
  • Cost lost in affected properties (2005-2017): $ 28
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 63,5%

In Ocean City, by 2100, the number of homes under water will exceed 21.

16. Pembroke Pines, Florida

  • Current average home value: $ 310 200
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 4
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 48,3%

In total, by 2100, according to forecasts, about 27 houses will go under water.

15. North Wildwood, New Jersey

  • Current average home value: $ 348 900
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 138
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 92,1%

North Wildwood is one of the few New Jersey cities on this list that has recovered from the decline in home prices since 2009. The average home price at the time was $332, which dropped to $600 in 2017 but is now $312. By 600, nine out of 348 homes are expected to be underwater.

14. Boston, Massachusetts

  • Current average home value: $ 600 100
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 5
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 18,2%

Boston has the third-highest total value of homes that will be underwater by 2100, with 20 homes valued at $700 billion.

13. Key West, FL

  • Current average home value: $ 661 400
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 133
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 83,5%

Key West home prices have continued to rise since 2009, despite numerous storms. However, by the beginning of the next century, the vast majority of houses will be under water.

12. Miramar, Florida

  • Current average home value: $ 312 000
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 7
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 70,3%

Miramar has a relatively low median home value, although it has increased since 2009, when it was $207, and since 500, when it was $2017. By 260, about 000 homes will be underwater, resulting in a loss of $2100. 27 billion

11. Avalon, New Jersey

  • Current average home value: $ 129 200
  • Cost lost in affected properties (2005-2017): $ 165
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 87,1%

Avalon has the lowest average house price among all the cities on the list, although it grew from $ 80 in 900 and $ 2009 in 96. Nearly 000% of homes are expected to be under water by 2017.

10. Naples, Florida

  • Current average home value: $ 324 100
  • Cost lost in affected properties (2005-2017): $ 24
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 21,3%

By 2100, Naples is expected to have more than 28 homes under water, which is the fourth largest figure on the list.

9. C Isle City, New Jersey

  • Current average home value: $ 724 700
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 208
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 89,3%

Sea Isle City is one of the few New Jersey cities on the list to maintain its median home price, which was $2009 in 631 and $900 in 2017. However, nearly 653 out of 500 expensive homes will fall under water by 9.

8. Charleston, South Carolina

  • Current average home value: $ 320 800
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 266
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 25,7%

Charleston is expected to have the second largest loss in value over the next 15 years. By 2100, only a quarter of the homes in Charleston are expected to be under water.

7. St. Petersburg, FL

  • Current average home value: $ 219 300
  • Cost lost in affected properties (2005-2017): $ 243
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 26,4%

It is expected that by 2100 there will be about 25 homes under water in St. Petersburg. This represents just over a quarter of all homes in this city with 000 inhabitants.

6. Miami, FL

  • Current average home value: $ 339 700
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 125
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 30,5%

Florida's largest city, with a population of just over 6 million, faces significant impacts from climate change. By 2100, Miami is expected to have the third-highest number of homes underwater—just under 33.

5. New York

  • Current average home value: $ 681 000
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 185
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 3,1%

Because of its dense population, New York ranks second in terms of the total value of homes that are projected to hide under water by 2100, bringing $ 25,7 billion in losses.

4. Hollywood, Florida

  • Current average home value: $ 279 300
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 304
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 40,9%

The average cost of homes increased from $ 168 in 000 to $ 2009 in 234. By 900, approximately 2017 homes are expected to be under water.

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3. Fort Lauderdale, FL

  • Current average home value: $ 319 300
  • Cost lost in affected properties (2005-2017): $ 193
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 56%

In 2100, Fort Lauderdale is expected to have the most homes by water, with 37, valued at $411 billion.

2. Ocean City, NJ

  • Current average home value: $ 603 000
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 530
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 79,4%

According to forecasts, in the next 15 years he will have the biggest losses. Losses amount to $ 612 in the value of real estate from 045 to 461.

1. Miami Beach, FL

  • Current average home value: $ 377 600
  • Loss of value in affected facilities (2005-2017): $ 337
  • Percentage of houses under water by 2100 year: 77,6%

The highest total cost of homes under water in 2100 is expected to be $ 33,4 billion.

Miscellanea global warming Educational program US cities
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