During an emergency landing of an American aircraft in Ireland, 16 people were injured
The airliner, which made the flight from the USA to Britain 31 August, urgently landed in Ireland, there are victims.
14 passengers and 2 members of the crew of United Airlines aircraft were injured, they were taken to hospital. Among the victims were three children.
“United Airlines is providing assistance and support to its customers and crew members on flight UA-880, which encountered severe and unexpected turbulence while en route from Houston to London Heathrow Airport,” a spokesperson for the carrier said.
Flight UA-880 was heading from Houston, Texas, to London Heathrow Airport. There were a total of 767 passengers and 300 crew members aboard the Boeing 207-13.
As one of the passengers said, strong shaking began at night, when most people were asleep and were fastened with seat belts. He admitted that it was his worst flight in the last 30 years.
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