Found a hacker who hacked into the Pentagon system - ForumDaily
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Found a hacker who hacked into the Pentagon system

The National Crime Agency of Great Britain (NCA) conducted a large-scale operation in the country to detain cybercriminals, reports A total of 57 people have been detained, including an 23 suspect in the Pentagon cyber attack, a summer resident of Sutton Caulfield (West Midlands).

The attack on the US Department of Defense was made on 15 June 2014 of the year on behalf of the hacker group Lizard Squad. It resulted in a Pentagon staff 800 data leak (names, positions, email addresses and phone numbers). True, no secret information, which could harm the national interests of the States, was leaked, they say in the military department. But the data of the international satellite message distribution system (EMSS), including Information about 34,5 of thousands of devices, including IMEI data - the international identifier of mobile equipment (code assigned to each phone when manufactured at the factory).

As mentioned above, the Lizard Squad group took responsibility for infiltrating the Pentagon system. In addition, she was responsible for hacking the website of Malaysia Airlines, as well as Facebook and Instagram in January this year. Lizard Squad also threatened to publish intimate photos of American singer Taylor Swift, and this hacker organization is also suspected of involvement in the Islamic State.


In the U.S. Pentagon hacker
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