Found a site with the announcement of the killings in Charleston - ForumDaily
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Found site with the announcement of the killings in Charleston

Intelligence agencies found on the Internet site, which published the announcement of the shooting of African Americans in Charleston. It belongs to Dylan Rufus, who committed the murders. In February of this year, the domain of this site was registered to it, but later the name was disguised.

The site posted photos of Dylan, one of them, he burns the US flag. On the other, he is depicted with mannequins that depict slaves, and in his hands is the flag of a confederation of southern states supporting slavery during the years of the Civil War.

Also, a racist manifesto has been published on the site. The author explains why he chose Charleston to commit the killings. He found out from historical facts that here the overwhelming majority of the population was once black.

At the moment, the site is carefully studied by the FBI.

17 June in Charleston in the African American church were nine people were shot.

In the U.S. FBI shooting blacks Charleston
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