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Senators in the eastern US state of South Carolina issued an order to remove the Confederation flag from the flagpole in front of the state legislature.
Before entry into force, the document must be approved by the State House of Representatives and the Governor of South Carolina.
The reason for the requirement to remove the flag was the fact that Dylan Ruf, who was accused of killing nine people in an African-American church, was photographed in his hands.
This flag was used by the army of southerners who advocated the preservation of slavery during the American Civil War in the 19th century, so today some Americans see it as a symbol of slavery and racism.
stdClass Object ([term_id] => 12 [name] => In the US [taxonomy] => category [slug] => novosti-ssha)
In the U.S.stdClass Object ([term_id] => 80 [name] => USA [taxonomy] => post_tag [slug] => ssha)
USAstdClass Object ([term_id] => 321 [name] => Senate [taxonomy] => post_tag [slug] => senat)
SenatestdClass Object ([term_id] => 9398 [name] => Southern California [taxonomy] => post_tag [slug] => yuzhnaya-kaliforniya)
Southern CaliforniastdClass Object ([term_id] => 14754 [name] => confederation flag [taxonomy] => post_tag [slug] => flag-konfederatsii)
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