Big discounts on advertising: ForumDaily offers assistance to small businesses during the crisis - ForumDaily
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Big discounts on advertising: ForumDaily offers assistance to small businesses during the crisis

The coronavirus epidemic in the USA negatively affects the economy of the country as a whole. But small businesses suffer the most, finding themselves on the brink of survival due to strict quarantine measures. Understanding this, ForumDaily decided to support representatives of small companies.

Photo: Shutterstock

We offer local small businesses in the US affected by quarantine significant discounts on ads on our sites ForumDaily, forumdaily woman, ForumDaily New York and on social networks.

Due to closures and restrictions, many companies have lost customers and buyers. And if large businesses have more opportunities to cover losses and wait out difficulties, small organizations cannot afford downtime, because each client is important to them.

Now people have severely limited their leisure and shopping, but they are actively using the Internet as a source of information and entertainment. Therefore, advertisements posted on our portal will surely find a response among representatives of the Russian-speaking diaspora in the USA, using ForumDaily as the main source of information about the situation.

With more than 220 thousand followers on social networks, and about 4 million monthly views of our websites, this is an audience that can save your business if we tell them about it. And we are ready to do this with minimal payment until the crisis is over. After all, we are also a small business and we believe that in the current situation everyone should support each other to the best of their ability.

For advertising, write to e-mail: [email protected] or call +1 347 604 1261 (9:00 - 17:00, GMT-4).

Dear readers! ForumDaily also lost a portion of its advertising revenue due to cancellation of events and quarantine measures due to coronavirus, so the editorial office faced difficulties in covering costs. But we do not intend to change the mode of our work or reduce the number of materials, understanding how much in the current situation of uncertainty, fear and even panic, verified information about what is happening in the US and the world is important.

If you have the opportunity to provide us with financial support, then we will be grateful for any amount that you are willing to allocate to assist our team. You can make a contribution to the work of our site. HERE.

Take care of yourself and be healthy! Always yours, ForumDaily.

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