American stole $ 10,000 58 from UPS by sending company mail to his home - ForumDaily
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An American stole $ 10,000 58 from UPS by sending company mail to his home

October 26 2017, the US Postal Service has received a statement about the change of address, which more than 30 million per year.

Duchamp Henderson-Sprews.
Photo: Facebook / Dushaun Spruce

The document said that the address of the headquarters of one of the world's largest courier and logistics companies, UPS, is transferred from Atlanta (Georgia) to a small apartment on the outskirts of Chicago (Illinois), in which 24-year-old Duchamp Henderson-Sprews lives, “Medusa".

On the application form for changing the address there is a warning about the responsibility for providing false information. In addition, to combat fraud, the postal service sends out the notification addresses to both addresses indicated in the statements - they contain a phone number where you can contact in case of an error.

Nevertheless, the error was not noticed for almost three months.

At UPS, they noticed that their mail goes to a different address, only in January - the security service found that about 150 cards American Express for company employees were sent to an address in Chicago (though only five cards were delivered there). UPS asked the Postal Service to verify the information.

The inspectors interrogated the postman, who delivered the correspondence to Henderson-Spruce's apartment, and he said that the mail to this address came so much that it had to be left in a separate box at the door.

As a result, the postal inspectorate removed three thousand letters from Henderson-Spruce’s apartment, including the post for executives and the CEO of UPS, documents containing personal data, as well as checks for tens of thousands of dollars. On the day of the search bank Fifth Third Bank announced that Henderson-Sprews had deposited 58 thousand dollars in UPS checks to his account.

Duchamp Henderson-Sprews was detained in May 2018. He told reporters that he did not do anything bad and, perhaps, he himself became a victim of theft of personal data, noting that for several months he had problems with receiving mail.

Henderson-Sprews is currently working as a real estate agent. In 2012, he did not work long as a loader at the UPS sorting center. In November, 2016 found 30 grams of marijuana in his car, and a few days later he was arrested for trying to illegally cash a check for 12 thousand dollars.

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