7 Tips: How to Survive Waiting at the US Airport - ForumDaily
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7 tips: how to relive the wait at the US airport

You've probably heard that delays at airports this summer make a trip a real nightmare. Site Team I have collected seven useful, and sometimes free, ways to “cool down” and enjoy waiting for your flight.

Photo: depositfotos.com

Photo: depositfotos.com

Some ways of spending time will make you sweat, but time will pass with benefit.
1. Yoga halls
In 2012, San Francisco Airport announced itself as the first airport in the United States to offer yoga to passengers. The hall was opened in the second terminal. It contained all the details for the lesson, and entry was free. The project was so successful that it was implemented at the same airport in the third terminal, in Dallas-Fort Worth, in Chicago-O'Hare and Midway, in Burlington, Vermont.
2. Cheap rental of a bedroom or showerYou can rent a small room with a bed at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, Atlanta and Philadelphia airports. The cost of an hour's rental is $42. Passengers in Dallas can pay an additional $20 to use the shower, and if they pay $30, they can shower alone.

3. Greenery

In Honolulu, the main terminal and Terminal Y are located in gardens with a Chinese, Japanese and Hawaiian "theme". Passengers can relax by gazing at the green landscape or watching the goldfish in the pond.

4. Fitness centers

In Detroit, airport passengers can get 24-hour access to the fitness center and indoor heated pool at Westing Detroit Metropolitan airport. The price of pleasure will be $ 15. You can go through the security system right in the hotel lobby. In Chicago, travelers can use the fitness center at the Hilton Chicago O`Hara Airport Hotel. The hotel can be accessed directly from the airport via an underpass. Entrance to the fitness center will cost $ 22,40. It works up to 22 hours.

5. Play golf

Palm Beach International Airport will delight passengers with an on-site golf course. By paying $ 3,20, you can enjoy playing golf.

6. Relax to the music

Austin Bergstrom International Airport has several sites where local musicians perform on weekdays. And in The airport in Nashville has four concert venues where in a year can order about 100 music groups.

7. Relax

In 19 cities of the United States at airports, you can find outposts for relaxation: reflexology, aromatherapy, panicure and pedicure. For $ 18, customers will be able to access the gym, pool, and sauna.

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