In New Jersey will be carried out hard immigration raids - ForumDaily
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In New Jersey will carry out hard immigration raids

The state of New Jersey, following the leadership of the state of California, passed new laws on how local law enforcement agencies will cooperate with immigration and customs authorities.

More than a year after New Jersey voters elected a governor who defended refuge cities and illegal immigrants, the state attorney general published a list of rules governing cooperation between the local and state police with federal immigration authorities.

The new rules do not allow police officers to ask people about their immigration status, if they are not related to the investigation, and limit cooperation in prisons with immigration and customs services.

“We are enacting new laws that clearly distinguish between federal immigration enforcement and state and local police,” said Attorney General Gurbir Grewal. “And we say to our friends and neighbors who live in fear: You can trust state law enforcement. You can trust the prosecutors here in New Jersey."

“Nothing in this directive provides refuge for those who commit crimes in New Jersey. If you break the law in New Jersey, if you assault someone, if you rob someone, if you defraud someone, we will detain you regardless of your immigration status. If you break the law in New Jersey, we will find you regardless of your immigration status,” he added.

In response to the adoption of new laws, ICE promised to increase the number of immigration raids in the state.

A Newark office spokesman told NBC Philadelphia that New Jersey should expect an increase in arrests due to new regulations.

Since “the highest priority of the agency’s activities is public safety and immigration law enforcement, we should pursue this to the maximum extent possible, which is likely to be associated with a large number of arrests and jobs enforcement operations,” wrote ICE spokesman Emilio Dabul.

According to the Pugh Research Center, New Jersey - the state where the most illegal immigrants as of 2014 are - is about 500 000 people.

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