Shooting at Oklahoma hospital leaves 4 dead, 10 injured
Four people were killed at an Oklahoma hospital in a June 1 shooting. Read more about the incident told the publication NBC News.

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The shooter turned out to be a black man, 35-40 years old, his identity was not disclosed. He was armed with a rifle and a pistol. The perpetrator died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, Tulsa Sheriff's Office Deputy Chief Eric Dalglish told reporters.
Tulsa Police Capt. Richard Meulenberg said the shooter injured himself as officers kicked in the stairwell door. They wanted to gain access to the building where the shooting broke out.
About 10 people were injured in the shooting, Meulenberg said. The policeman said none of the injuries were considered life-threatening. The victims were both hospital patients and employees.
The motive of the shooter has not been established.
Police arrived at the hospital at 16:56 p.m., four minutes after receiving reports of the shooting, Dalglish said. According to him, the police heard the shots, after which they found the shooter and the injured on the second floor at 17:01.
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“The officers who arrived heard the shots in the building, and that is what sent them to the second floor,” he explained, writes CBS News.
The deputy chief of the sheriff's office said it's not clear if the shooter was aiming at anyone in particular or if the shooting was random.
Tulsa Mayor George Bynum praised the quick response from law enforcement officers and said police officers "reacted without hesitation to this act of violence today."
US President Joe Biden was informed of the shooting, and the White House said it had approached local authorities with an offer to help.
Representatives of the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives also arrived on the scene.
Police later received information that the shooter may have left a bomb at a residential building in Muskogee, Oklahoma. The sappers searched the building, but found no explosives.
Nearby houses were either evacuated or residents were ordered to take shelter in place.
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Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt issued a statement calling the shooting "a senseless act of violence and hatred."
Jen Hodges, who works on the hospital campus, was in another building about 100 yards (91 m) from the shooting site.
She said, “I realized something terrible was going on. The police officers ran into the building with shields and rifles, and it flashed through my head: I saw this on the news several times. It was almost like a repeat of what was shown on TV. I couldn’t believe that this was actually happening in my life.”
Kevin Forrestal, whose wife was in the building for a procedure, remarked, “As huge as this complex is, my first thought was: she’s there. But, fortunately, the wife was safe.
The shooting comes just over a week after an 18-year-old killed 19 children and two teachers at an elementary school in Uvalda, Texas.
Over the Memorial Day weekend (May 28-30), 9 people were killed and more than 60 injured in the shootings, according to a shooting monitoring organization.
In New Orleans, Louisiana, a woman was killed and two men wounded in a shooting near a high school prom on the Xavier University campus.
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