A simple but effective life hack: how to quickly get your luggage at the airport
There's nothing worse than waiting forever at the baggage carousel while all the other passengers pick up their suitcases and head out into the fresh air. But there is one tricky way to increase the chances of your suitcase leaving first. TheSun.
Taking a free "caution fragile" sticker from airport staff and sticking it on your bag can speed up waiting times. Often fragile luggage with tags is put on the plane last and, as a result, gets on the belt first.
But if you're going to label your luggage, don't forget to skip one box - your address. Thieves will know that you are not at home and may try to rob you as a result.
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If you want to double your chances of success, there is another way - register last.
Thomas Lo Sciuto, a worker at a regional airport in the United States, believes that if your luggage is loaded last on the plane, then it will be the first to be unloaded on the belt.
If you're worried about being late for your airport check-in, there's now an app that lets you plan the amount of time it takes to comfortably complete check-in and all procedures before you board your plane.
TripIt allows people to check the size of the lines even before they get to the airport.
A new addition to the travel app monitors airport queues in real time using sensors to track the movements of travelers in queues.
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It tells you down to the minute how long it will take you to get to the gate, even which queues will be the fastest when you get to security.
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