A neighbor demanded that the man change the dog’s name because that’s his daughter’s name - ForumDaily
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A neighbor demanded that the man change his dog's name because that was his daughter's name.

Dog names often vary between those that are quite obviously pet names and those that are used to name people. In a recent Reddit post posted on the popular Am I The A**hole? subreddit, one man said his neighbor's daughter had the exact same name as his dog, so he asked him to change the pet's name. How the situation developed, the publication told Independent.

Photo: IStock

The owner wrote that his dog's name is Charlotte, and after living in his current home for over a year, he still repeats the same procedure with her whenever she needs to relieve herself. The owner lets her out into the backyard, and she does not return until he calls her name.

The man remembered a recent incident during such a walk, which he wrote about in the post: “I stuck my head out and called her name, but this time, along with the familiar sounds, when my dog ​​galloped up the steps of the porch, an adult human voice was heard, shouting something like “why are you calling my daughter?” At first I thought it was just my new neighbors arguing, but a couple of minutes later I heard a knock on my front door.”

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The Redditor claims the man started yelling at him and asking why he was calling his two-year-old daughter. In response, he explained that Charlotte was the name of his dog.

"He rolled his eyes at me and told me I 'better' change my dog's name because he doesn't want his daughter to get confused and come running into my house," the post's author explained.

“I told him it wouldn't happen because my dog ​​got the name first and we moved in here first, plus I don't like strangers making demands on me without even trying to be polite. What I didn’t say, but really wanted to say, was that teaching a child about stranger danger is his responsibility, not mine,” the Reddit post continued.

According to the man, his neighbor said that he should be the one to change his dog's name because "a human child clearly has priority in choosing a name over a dog." After this, the pet owner wondered if he was wrong when he did not listen to his neighbor’s demand.

Many people came to his defense in the comments.

“You don't have to rename your dog. Continue as usual. If their daughter came, you would simply not open the door or tell her to go home,” one commenter began. “You can get a restraining order or file a police report if this neighbor harasses/threatens you.”

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Another user agreed and continued: “This man just looks like an idiot. Regardless of who settled first or who got the name first, asking someone to change a dog's name (a name she has already learned and is familiar with) is ridiculous and disrespectful.”

The comment further contained a warning to the author of the message about a possible escalation of the situation:

“Be sure to keep an eye on not only your dog, but also your neighbor. It sounds strange, but if he's wild enough to knock on a complete stranger's door and start an argument, then he's probably crazy enough to do anything."

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