A trifle of pockets: travelers leave hundreds of thousands of dollars for airport inspections every year - ForumDaily
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A trifle of pockets: travelers annually leave hundreds of thousands of dollars for inspections at airports

In the last fiscal year, travelers left almost 1 million dollars at checkpoints at US airports, writes CNBC.

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During check-ups at checkpoints, passengers left a record $ 960 105,49 unclaimed money, which is 10% more than the previous 12 month.

The reason for the increase in unclaimed money is the growth in air travel in the United States. According to the Ministry of Transport, domestic and international airlines serving the US in the past calendar year carried a record billion passengers.

According to TSA, passengers do not thoroughly inspect baskets in which they leave their belongings during the search, forgetting trifles or wallets.

All the money TSA has historically used to maintain the checkpoint and translate signs in languages ​​other than English, said agency spokeswoman Lisa Farbstein. According to the agency, TSA plans to use the money collected last year to train checkpoints.

How much money raised in US airports

9Maintenance in Operational Condition$32,687.10

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