Israeli residents choose the best cities to live in the country - ForumDaily
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Israeli residents have chosen the best cities to live in the country

In Israel, they conducted a study and found out how satisfied people are with their place of residence in various cities of the country. A total of 7100 were sampled from people representing the population of a million Israelis in 5,2, writes

74% of respondents said that over the next five years they will continue to live in the same city where they live now. And residents of Netanya expressed the greatest satisfaction with their accommodation - 82%.

Netanya is followed by Rehovot (78%) and Tel Aviv is on the third place with 75%. At the last three locations of the city, Bat Yam, Bnei Brak and Beersheba with 66% are satisfied with living there. Note that the survey involved residents of cities with a population of more than 100 thousands of people.

On average, two-thirds of those surveyed believe they live surrounded by apathetic people who do nothing to make their city even more prosperous. In Tel Aviv there are 78%, in Petah Tikva - 75% and in Haifa - 53%.

The researchers asked another question to residents of Israel: “Do you think that a wallet you lost and was found by residents of the neighborhood where you live will be returned to you?” 53% of respondents answered affirmatively to this question. 34% were sure that their wallet would not be returned to them, and 13% were undecided.

When asked what residents don’t like about their cities, 38% said they were dissatisfied with the dirt on the streets, a third of those surveyed said they were dissatisfied with young people who wander the streets, 18% expressed dissatisfaction with people drunk in public places and 19% with incidents vandalism on the streets of his hometown.

5% of respondents said that in their area of ​​residence there are cases of racism towards people with different skin color and other religion. Among Jews such people were 3%, among Arabs - 12%. 11% of respondents said that there are drug addicts and drug dealers in their neighborhood.

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