How is the construction of the wall on the border with Mexico. VIDEO - ForumDaily
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How is the construction of the wall on the border with Mexico. VIDEO

US Customs and Border Guard posted a video showing kilometers of the new border wall on the Arizona-Mexico border.

The 55-second video shows a new, higher barrier, replacing the 10-foot (3-meter) fence, which asylum seekers and illegal immigrants could easily crack. Over the past year, hundreds of thousands of migrants have come to the United States, mainly families from Central America with children.

“Construction crews are continuing work on the new border wall along the southeast border near San Luis, Arizona. Since 2017 year, in cooperation with @USACEHQ, more than 60 miles (90 km) of the new wall have been built along the border and it is planned to complete 450 miles (724 km) by the end of 2020 year ”, the message says US Customs and Border Protection.

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Workers in Arizona and New Mexico continued to build taller border fences funded by President Trump's national emergency declaration. The work includes replacing the fence along the 46 mile stretch (74 km) of the desert west of Santa Teresa, New Mexico, and two miles from the Arizona Cactus Organ Pipe National Monument.

In Arizona, construction crews installed 30-foot (9-meter) steel fencing to replace old barriers near the border crossing, known as the Port of Entrance at Lucville.

At a site in New Mexico near 20, workers recently installed reinforcing frames for concrete footers along a wall walkway. An 50-foot crane towered over the site.

Projects are funded by funds originally allocated to the Department of Defense. The money was redirected by order of Trump. The use of funds was previously frozen by lower courts, and the trial continued.

However, last month the Supreme Court cleared the way for using about 2,5 billion dollars and defense officials are expected to announce billions beyond the wall this week.

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The border wall that Mexico would pay for was one of Trump's main promises during the 2016 campaign of the year, when at MAGA rallies (“Let's make America great again”) cries “Build a wall!” sounded.

But Congress refused to fund all this without concessions from Trump's defense team «Dreamers» and other immigration issues.

1,4 billion was allocated this year, but the president wanted much more at least 25 billion dollars. The administration has allocated 2,8 billion dollars in contracts for barriers covering 247 miles (397 km), with all but 17 miles (27 km) replacing existing barriers instead of expanding coverage.

Conservationists say building a wall will harm wildlife and block the migration of animals such as bighorn sheep and wolves. Environmentalists say the government illegally abandoned dozens of laws to begin construction on sheltered lands. In this regard, two cases are pending before the federal courts.

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