Federal agents used tear gas against the mayor of Portland
Tear gas was used against the mayor of Portland, Oregon. Ted Wheeler stood outside the courthouse and supported the protest against the presence of federal agents in the city, sent by US President Donald Trump to quell the riots. Writes about it The Guardian.

Photo: Shutterstock—
Ted Wheeler, a Democrat mayor from Oregon, said this was the first time he felt the tear gas on himself. He was slightly stunned, someone gave him goggles to protect his eyes, he coughed and drank a lot of water, but did not budge.
On Wednesday, July 22, a protest was held in Oregon. The protesters lit a large fire outside the courthouse. Federal agents fired tear gas and shock grenades into the crowd. It was not immediately clear if the agents knew Wheeler was in the crowd when they used the tear gas.
The mayor opposed the presence of federal agents in Oregon's largest city, but was heavily criticized and his presence was not welcomed by many who shouted and swore at him.
“I want to thank the thousands of you who opposed the Trump administration’s occupation of this city,” Wheeler told hundreds of people gathered downtown. “The reason this is important is because it’s not just happening in Portland.”
Some Portland residents, including city councilors, accused Wheeler of failing to curb the local police, who repeatedly fired tear gas before federal agents arrived, in response to nearly two months of protests following the assassination of George Floyd.
On the subject: Unprecedented level of violence: Portland protests cost local businesses $ 23 million
Others, including business leaders, denounced Wheeler for not taking control of the situation until agents arrived.
Protesters in the crowd held Tear Gas Ted signs in connection with the use of tear-gas by the Portland police prior to the arrival of federal agents. When the mayor left the protest, some of the protesters surrounded him and shouted at him as he left.
Wheeler was criticized for the actions of his own police department, which did not protect local police and did not protect people from federal agents.
Wheeler then addressed the audience and said, "I'm here tonight to stand by your side."
Earlier on Wednesday, July 22, the city council banned police from cooperating with federal agents and from arresting reporters or legal observers.
Wheeler's appearance at the protest came hours after Oregon lawyers called on a judge to issue a decree barring federal agents from being in the city.
State arguments were brought to court by Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, who accused federal agents of gratuitously arresting demonstrators and using excessive force. Federal authorities are contesting the charges.
Trump has announced that federal agents will be sent to Chicago and Albuquerque, New Mexico, to fight the growing crime. Democratic mayors from 15 cities condemned the use of federal agents.
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