They want to introduce dual citizenship in Ukraine: Zelensky has already introduced a bill - ForumDaily
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They want to introduce dual citizenship in Ukraine: Zelensky has already introduced a bill

On January 22, President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky for the first time announced a legislative initiative to provide dual citizenship for the Ukrainian diaspora, reports FoxNews.

Photo: IStock

Zelensky made the announcement in a video message to mark Unity Day, a public holiday commemorating the unification of Ukraine in 1919.

“Today I am introducing a key bill to the Verkhovna Rada that will allow the adoption of comprehensive changes to legislation and the introduction of dual citizenship,” he said on January 22.

“This will allow all ethnic Ukrainians and their descendants from all over the world to have our citizenship. Of course, with the exception of citizens of the aggressor country,” he continued.

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Zelensky mentioned the wide diaspora of ethnic Ukrainians in all corners of the globe, noting the contribution to the defensive war against invading Russian troops by those who historically could not have citizenship of their country.

“Today the unity of Ukrainians spans both hemispheres of the Earth. In every corner of which on February 24 there were people declaring: “I am Ukrainian.” Declaring this, our people lived on all continents. Those who, with the outbreak of a full-scale war, regardless of place of residence, birth and passport, said affirmatively: “I am Ukrainian,” Zelensky said.

The new legislation will allow the Ukrainian diaspora to apply for and obtain a passport, a direct departure from the country's past citizenship policies.

“Everyone who has Ukrainian blood flowing in their veins and a free heart beating in their chest. Ukrainians by origin, who have long proven that they are Ukrainians in spirit. And after many years of waiting, they should finally become Ukrainians with a passport at the legislative level,” the President of Ukraine said.

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This landmark policy change will require the approval of the national parliament and permission from the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

Under normal circumstances, the process of amending a national constitution can take years. It is unknown whether Zelensky or the federal government intend to speed up the amendment process.

The only exception to the right to dual citizenship noted by Zelensky concerns individuals in Russia.

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