US citizen arrested in Russia: he is accused of espionage
The Lefortovo Court of Moscow ordered the arrest of US citizen Evgeny (Eugene) Spector in connection with espionage charges. The American also has Russian citizenship. Writes about it Radio Liberty.

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The investigator filed a petition to take Spector into custody, and the court granted this petition. The court hearing took place as usual in cases involving espionage and treason - it was closed, since the materials of the case are classified.
Spector was previously convicted in the case of Anastasia Alekseeva, an assistant to former Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich. Alekseeva was sentenced to 12 years in prison for accepting bribes. She took bribes in the form of trips to foreign resorts for not adding a number of weight loss drugs to the list of prohibited drugs in Russia. It has not been reported whether Spector's espionage charge is related to this case.
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In June 2021, the Ostankino court found Spektor guilty of facilitating the receipt of a bribe and sentenced him to 4,5 years in prison. This conviction was overturned at the appeal level, and in the next trial (in the fall of 2022), Spector was sentenced to 3,5 years in prison.
Evgeny Spektor was the chairman of the board of directors of Medpolimerprom, a company specializing in the production of drugs for oncological diseases.
The administration of the United States of America has not yet commented on the arrest of the US citizen.
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At the end of March, they arrested in Russia and The Wall Street Journal correspondent, Evan Gershkovich on charges of espionage. US authorities have expressed dissatisfaction with this arrest and are making efforts to free the journalist. In addition, another American is being held in a Russian colony on charges of espionage: Paul Whelan.
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