Slip boxes and laptops for work in the new hall of Minsk airport - ForumDaily
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Slip-boxes and laptops for work in the new hall of the Minsk airport

Another business lounge was opened at the Minsk National Airport today. Its area is almost 1200 square meters. Passengers will be able to get there by paying 25 euros for three hours, or if the airline ticket already pays for such a service.

The business lounge, open to passengers, will serve flights, landing on which passes without border control (directions to the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan). Passengers who pass through the border control station use another business hall that opened last year.


“In the business lounge, everything is based on self-service,” explains Oleg Dukhnov, head of the catering service at Minsk National Airport. “If in the VIP lounge the service is entirely carried out by airport staff, then in the business lounge a person registers at the counter at the entrance and goes to eat, or relax and unwind.”

Three hours in the business hall will cost 25 euros, or you can use it on business class tickets, if the conditions of the airline allow.

From free services: internet, call center, where a business passenger can work behind a laptop (four such places are organized), there will also be a meeting room.

There is a seating area as well as a smoking room.

We put two slip-boxes in the business hall. Three hours of rest in such a box will cost 15 euros. As the head of the press center, Alexander Karablikov, noted, in the local slip-boxes they are going to hang up TVs later.

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