'I am already a lesser evil': how Lukashenko 25 years in power

From state farmers beaten by the director to members of parliament who were carried out in the arms of riot police. From “communists for democracy” to the mysterious disappearance of former comrades. The first years of the President of Belarus in power and the events that changed the country forever are described by the publication “Current Time”. "I know,…

Sergey Loiko: a suitcase of cheese instead of fat

“What used to be transported from Kyiv to Moscow? That's right - lard, vodka and Kiev cake. And now? Now there are suitcases full of French cheese and Spanish jamon.” During his recent trip along the Kyiv-Minsk-Moscow route, the famous Russian journalist and photographer Sergei Loiko…

Hitleryung Solomon: a Jew who convinced the fascists that he was German

The book “Hitlerjunge Solomon” was published in Russia, written by Solomon Perel, who in 1941 in Minsk managed to convince the fascists that he was an ethnic German. 16-year-old Jewish teenager Shlomo from Grodno was captured by the Nazis. According to Perel, the Germans believed him because...

In Minsk, protested against the opening of the Russian military base

A rally against the creation of a Russian military base on the territory of Belarus was held on Freedom Square in Minsk. Representatives of the Belarusian opposition staged an action that was not coordinated with the authorities. The rally, according to various estimates, was attended by from 150 to 500 people. One of the opposition leaders, Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu, said that if a Russian base is deployed, Belarus, which ...

Soon all Israeli embassies will be left without ambassadors

Seven Israeli embassies in various countries of the world (including in some of the most important points), if nothing changes, will be left without ambassadors in a week. This may happen because some ambassadors expire at the end of July ...

The owner of the car in rhinestones was a suspect in a corruption scandal from Russia

For several months, Minskers have seen in the city a snow-white "Mercedes" with numbers from the Krasnodar Territory, pasted over with shiny crystals. At the wheel they saw either a Caucasian man or a Slavic girl. And last Saturday, passers-by witnessed the detention of passengers of a shiny car by people in masks. ...

In Belarus, a young man hijacked a children's pet. Video

In Minsk, a young man stole a Winnie-the-Pooh children's pet car worth about 15 million rubles from a shopping center. The theft of the toy got into the lens of the video camera. The video shows how a guy in a blue tracksuit, talking on a cell phone, walks up to the pet mobile. Having "saddled" the "bear", the suspect ...

The US military took part in the Victory Parade in Minsk

US Army personnel took part in the Victory Parade in Minsk on May 9. A representative of the military department said: “On May 6, the US Air Force Band in Europe, about 40 people, arrived in Belarus. On May 7, American military personnel took part in a concert in…

American soldiers will arrive in Minsk on Victory Day

American military personnel will take part in the celebration of Victory Day in Minsk. This was announced today by the press secretary of the main department of ideological work of the Ministry of Defense of Belarus Vladimir Makarov at a press conference about the festive events for Victory Day. “On May 6, an air force orchestra is planned to arrive in Belarus...

In Belarus, the car plant was classified as a halt

The stopping of the MAZ conveyor took place in an atmosphere of secrecy - information about this appeared in the media only a few days before the event, and workers, not officials, told about the decision of the plant's management. In the Ministry of Industry (it supervises MAZ on behalf of the owner - the state), when they heard questions about MAZ, they simply hung up. While the administration of the enterprise is functioning ...

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