The best Cyber ​​Monday discounts and promotions that are still relevant - ForumDaily
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Best Cyber ​​Monday discounts and promotions that are still relevant

Cyber ​​Monday is over - but Cyber ​​Week continues! You heard right: many sellers no longer limit sales to Black Friday or the Monday following it, but stretch promotional offers over several days. Buyers can't complain - more discounts on more products without having to buy in a hurry.

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That's what the editors are USA Today found among the most interesting offers for today (keep in mind that prices and availability of goods may change at any time!).

TOP-8 of the most attractive promotions:

  1. Amazon Echo Dot (3rd-gen.) - $ 29.99 (saving $ 20): It was one of the best stocks of the year. Now $ 6 is more expensive, but we still think this is an amazing offer.
  2. AncestryDNA— $ 59 on (saving $ 50): This popular DNA testing kit is still on sale for $10 more than it was on Cyber ​​Monday. It's a great gift—with more than 10 million Ancestry members, you might even find a long-lost relative. The set can be purchased at Amazon for the same price.
  3. Bose QuietComfort 35 II Wireless Noise Canceling Headphones— $ 299 on Amazon (saving $ 50): Excellent wireless headphones are known for their noise-suppressing properties, and this is the lowest price since August.
  4. Fitbit Charge 3 Fitness Tracker with Heart Rate Monitor — $ 119.95 on Amazon ($ 30 Savings): The brand new Charge 3 fitness tracker is a great deal, and it's not on sale yet. The battery lasts over a week, it's waterproof, and the design is much more streamlined than ever before. It's no surprise that it was named the best fitness tracker of 2018. Available in Target for the same price.
  5. Instant Pot DUO60 7-in-1 Multicooker — $ 69.95 on Amazon (saving $ 30): The sales leader, the popular model of kitchen assistant Instant Pot, has risen in price for 10 dollars compared to the lowest price, but we still believe that this is a good buy.
  6. KitchenAid 5-Qt. Artisan Stand Mixer — $ 245.47 on Amazon ($ 35 Savings): absolute classic. On Amazon, there are only models in red. Macy's sells this food processor for 279 dollars, but there are six colors to choose from.
  7. LG 55-In. C8 OLED 4K TV— $ 1,696.99 on Amazon (saving $ 500): This is the best TV of the year. It usually costs $2200, but the price has been gradually decreasing since September - and it's the best deal right now (available on Prime Shipping). 65 inch TV also costs $400 - the lowest price for it is offered on Amazon.
  8. LL Bean Weekend Sale - 20% discount on clothing and outerwear code «THANKS20». In addition, you will receive a gift card in the amount of 10 dollars if you spend 50 dollars or more and save 25% on slippers using the “WICKED25” code.

Discounts and promotions on equipment

TVs and entertainment equipment

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Laptops and accessories

Kitchen and cooking

Household appliances and cleaning

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House and animals


Fashion & Style

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Smart Home Products

Child care, toys, accessories

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