How airlines earn money from family or friends - ForumDaily
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How airlines earn money from family or friends

Traveling with family and friends, you usually want to sit on a plane nearby, and the airlines decided to make money on it.

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More and more airlines charge an additional fee to passengers for the right to pre-select seats on the plane when booking their tickets. The New York Post.

The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) estimates that passengers from this country pay approximately 547 million dollars per year to book seats on the plane.

Among unwilling to pay extra passengers, every fifth person is shared with family and friends during the flight. This proportion increases for low cost airlines. For example, among the passengers Ryanair every third person is separated from family and friends if he does not pay in advance for the right to choose places. Representative Ryanair He said that the company offers the right to choose a place for only 2 euros (2,50 dollars), and children sit near the family for free.

However, passenger advocates claim that airlines earn money by creating confusion for their customers.

Experts say that among US airlines, the situation is similar to the British.

In 2016, the US Congress passed the “Law on Families Flying Together”, which was supposed to ensure the right of children under the age of 13 to sit with their parents or guardians on flights. But the Federal Aviation Administration has not yet developed changes to the rules of air travel arising from this law, therefore, during flights, airlines may violate the established standard, which often leads to the fact that young children have to sit alone without parental supervision during flights.

Travel Defender Christopher Elliott believes that air carriers separate children and parents intentionally in order to earn money to pay for the right to choose a place or change it.

According to him, if you really need to fly with friends and relatives, and the group is large, then when booking tickets it makes sense to use the services of a travel agent who have leverage over the airlines, and it is easier for them to arrange joint seating for large groups on the plane.

If you book a ticket yourself, then do not pay extra for the right to choose a seat, and ask to check you in at the airport to put you together, often the staff will meet such requests.

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