US State Department warned Americans about possible terrorist attacks in Europe
The US State Department does not advise US citizens to go to Europe because of the high risk of terrorist attacks, especially during the holidays.
The State Department asks Americans to be careful during holiday festivals and other events, as well as to avoid crowds.
According to reliable information, terrorists from the Islamic State and Al-Qaida are planning terrorist attacks in Europe during the Christmas holidays. They can use a variety of tactics, using both traditional and non-conventional weapons.
American tourists who plan to visit European cities should periodically visit the website of the US embassy or consulate to keep up with the latest data.
The State Department is asking Americans for the following:
- follow the instructions of local authorities. Monitor media and other sources of information to keep abreast of the latest developments;
- be prepared for additional inspection and unexpected failures;
- Be in touch with your family members and make sure they know how to contact you in case of an emergency;
- prepare an emergency plan;
- sign up for free program Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP), which will notify you about the situation in the country where you are traveling, and allow the US Embassy to contact you in case of an emergency.
As we previously reported, the FBI warned about possible attacks in the United States on Thanksgiving Day (November 24) and President-elect Donald Trump's Inauguration Day (January 20).
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