Black Friday: where and what discounts to expect - ForumDaily
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Black Friday: where and what discounts to expect

The best deals on Black Friday. Photo: depositphoto

Black Friday's best deals. Photo: depositphoto

Black Friday remains the most desirable and exciting day for sophisticated shopping lovers. By tradition, the biggest discounts sellers put up on Black Friday Day (by tradition, this is the day after Thanksgiving, which falls on November 25 this year). True, the very first discounts appear after Halloween, and this year you can make bargains from November 1.

However, the hottest deals worth the wait in the coming days. Edition Time money collected the most attractive shares in the largest networks.

Clothes are among the hot deals on Black Friday. Photo: depositphoto

Clothing is among the hot deals on Black Friday. Photo: depositphoto

The Week Before Thanksgiving

ForumDaily already wrote about what promotions and discounts Amazon buyers expect — the discount week has already begun there. Sales have also opened at Walmart. To search for discounts, they recommend using a mobile application. Hottest deals: Dyson vacuum cleaner is $140 off, 16 GB RCA tablet is down $25, and children's trampoline can be purchased for $199 (down $120).

Sears has prepared special promotions for members of the loyalty program. This Sunday, November 20, from 6 to 10 hours of the evening, special prices for goods will be available to customers (regular customers will not see them). Hot offers include a Kenmore refrigerator for $ 1000 (instead of $ 2 200), small household appliances for $ 9.99 (which usually costs $ 25), and 30% for clothes that cost more than $ 50.

Thanksgiving Day

Particularly profitable stocks are expected at Walmart. For example, experts from say that it will be possible to purchase an 40-inch Element HDTV for $ 125. A Vizio HDTV 60 TV will cost $ 398. This is called the best deal on the net.

Also, special thanksgiving events are worth waiting for from Macy's, Kohl's, JC Penney, and Toys R Us.

Black Friday

If you didn't have time to buy something last year, then it's likely that you can find this product now - at the same price. Experts agree that retail chains set similar prices for goods from year to year. It's also worth keeping in mind that Black Friday isn't always the best day to make a purchase. The most profitable shopping experience will be for those who want to purchase small household appliances, electronics, and video games. Sometimes it becomes profitable to buy a car on Black Friday - it is worth studying the offers of dealers.

Walmart has one of the most profitable stocks this year. Photo: depositphoto

Walmart has one of the most profitable stocks this year. Photo: depositphoto

After black friday

Experts, however, say that discounts of 40% to 60% will remain in most chains on the weekend after the black promotion. Don't forget about Cyber ​​Monday. In addition, there will be enough pre-Christmas promotions: Cyber ​​Week from November 28, free delivery day, Green Monday - in general, there will be plenty of opportunities to get goods at a discount.

However, as Time reminds, it is worth remembering that often due to inflated prices in retail chains, discounts in 50-60% actually turn out to be much less.

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